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Shout Box
» OldTimer - 05-04-14:44 -- BTW - scouted the Grand - still slightly blown out - two weeks yet I'd say.
» OldTimer - 05-04-14:43 -- I know.... but I honestly believe the statue is not being erected for the fishermen - just art.
» MuskieBait - 05-04-14:41 -- Not an issue to beauty in my's an issue of what would benefit the fishing community the most.
» OldTimer - 05-04-14:38 -- Beauty is ....... in the eye of the beholder.
» OldTimer - 05-04-14:37 -- Don't like Mickey Mouse huh? - how bout Goofie?
» MuskieBait - 05-04-14:34 -- It's like a decision between getting a fish mounted for $700 vs. spending that $700 on gas and such to actually go catch more fish...
» MuskieBait - 05-04-14:33 -- My point is they can use that money on other projects...projects to further imporve fishing access, habitat improvement, fish studies, kids fishing program...etc...things that will be a legacy in the future...not a sculpture that is pretty to look at but a complete waste of money...
» OldTimer - 05-04-14:30 -- They got Mickey Mouse..........
» MuskieBait - 05-04-14:29 -- Florida doesn't need a sculpture to declare their great fishing...
» MuskieBait - 05-04-14:29 -- Just because others have it doesn't mean you need it...
» OldTimer - 05-04-14:19 -- So I go fishing for suckers to use as catfish bait...........what do I catch instead - catish......... are they good sucker
» OldTimer - 05-04-14:16 -- Hey - Kenora’s got Husky the Muskie & Dunnville’s got Muddy The Mudcat..... I hear Toronto’s thinking of erecting a humongous Goby at Queen’s Quay.
» MichaelAngelo - 05-04-10:10 -- "we're really excited".... for a sculpture :|
» MichaelAngelo - 05-04-10:10 -- sculpture?
» MuskieBait - 05-04-09:41 -- Really? Spending almost 1/2 of that award money on a sculpture? I think it can be better used on other projects...
» MuskieBait - 05-04-09:04 -- You should post your pictures up Tongue
» MuskieBait - 05-04-09:01 -- Hey MA, that IS a Goldfish that you caught...doesn't look to be a hybrid (counted 28 lateral line scale). Congrats! What a nice bonus Big Grin
» OldTimer - 05-04-06:33 -- Hastings big fish
» MuskieBait - 04-04-22:24 -- Ok...doing it the good ole is posted more links. Smile
» MuskieBait - 04-04-19:50 -- Well, that was last year with the crazy early spring...
» MichaelAngelo - 04-04-19:39 -- wow and that's in March?!?!
» OldTimer - 04-04-18:31 -- Hey MA - so where's the Virginny pics?..........
» MuskieBait - 04-04-17:48 -- works fine for me...but I'll try to reload the post on the blog again tonight.
» jkman - 04-04-17:08 -- Hey Ken, can't read day 2-5. Maybe a broken link?
» MuskieBait - 04-04-16:46 -- They're up...check the report again and see the links to my blog Wink
» OldTimer - 04-04-16:16 -- Hey MB and MA - so where's the Virginny pics?
» MuskieBait - 04-04-12:32 -- OMG...MA, imagine if we had hit the peak run?!?!
» MichaelAngelo - 02-04-12:33 -- guys check out his "bar fishing" video... LOL
» OldTimer - 01-04-15:12 -- It's all about style:
» Giuga10 - 30-03-09:16 -- Might head to Bluffers Park this afternoon for the last day of Pike.
» OldTimer - 28-03-15:19 -- Gee....... I hope they bring us back somethin'
» MichaelAngelo - 28-03-04:58 -- Take care everyone, read you on Monday Big Grin
» MuskieBait - 27-03-23:15 -- Good night all...see you on Monday. Hopefully we'll come back in one piece.
» OldTimer - 27-03-15:51 -- ........ after all MA......... legends need slow build ups to the spectular iconic
» MuskieBait - 26-03-18:53 -- Hey MA, where is your Florida report? After all, you'll have a new one to write soon. Tongue
» MuskieBait - 26-03-18:52 -- Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
» OldTimer - 26-03-18:48 -- I've decided that people need be tattooed with a Best Before date on their forehead... would save a lot of unneeded conversation
» OldTimer - 26-03-16:17 -- Hey MA - did you eat any of the burbot?
» MichaelAngelo - 26-03-10:43 -- No worries Ken, I'll pull the thread out of a backup or just re-make it when I get the chance.
» MichaelAngelo - 26-03-10:43 -- Yes the forum was down yesterday morning, but it's been fixed.
» TOFishingNoob - 25-03-21:16 -- Glad it wasn't only me!
» MikeH - 25-03-19:26 -- Yes, apparently there was an SQL error....
» TOFishingNoob - 25-03-19:24 -- was the site down for anyone else??
» OldTimer - 23-03-14:52 -- They have a cream for those
» MuskieBait - 22-03-21:52 -- He'll let me live this one down...otherwise I won't show him my snakehead spots Tongue
» OldTimer - 22-03-12:13 -- OH OH.......... He'll never let you live this one down............
» MuskieBait - 22-03-11:21 -- I was going to hit "reply" but I think I hit "delete" by accident.
» MuskieBait - 22-03-11:20 -- Yikes! MA, I think I deleted your OSF OMC entry post by accident. Sad
» OldTimer - 21-03-18:38 -- Atta boy!
» Giuga10 - 21-03-17:34 -- Fishing was good! Catching not so much Tongue only caught one species but had fun!

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