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Shout Box
» MuskieBait - 23-01-18:42 -- You really have to spend the time to read the reports...otherwise you are missing out A LOT Wink
» OldTimer - 23-01-17:01 -- Right on MB..............good stuff
» MuskieBait - 23-01-01:56 -- It's winter...reports are far and few in between sometimes...I posted up some past years reports for your viewing pleasure...hope you enjoy them! Big Grin
» MichaelAngelo - 22-01-11:05 -- Big Grin
» OldTimer - 22-01-04:30 -- Us too........ - your words from the site's splash screen "We hope you’ll learn and share with your peers "
» MichaelAngelo - 21-01-21:23 -- Oh the pictures? They're wrapped up in a box to be gifted next christmas... Wink joking of course let's hope it doesn't end up that way!
» MuskieBait - 21-01-20:44 -- Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
» Giuga10 - 21-01-20:25 -- lol
» OldTimer - 21-01-18:52 -- So....... MA...... where's your recent Florida pics?
» Jeremy Ray Green - 20-01-13:37 -- this should get frenchmans bay nice and solid....
» Jeremy Ray Green - 20-01-13:36 -- It's an Awesome Arctic Wind...
» OldTimer - 20-01-07:56 -- Even worse this morning - my weather station is reporting gusts of 91 km/hr......
» Giuga10 - 19-01-22:54 -- Man is it ever windy tonight!
» MichaelAngelo - 19-01-22:28 -- LOL @MikeH's comment...
» OldTimer - 17-01-16:49 -- with no chicken, nor fish....... we call that soup .... HOT WATER..... smile
» MikeH - 17-01-09:04 -- Why isn't it fish soup? is it so that the catch and release peeps will buy it too?
» OldTimer - 16-01-17:00 -- Yes I have..... great book!....... here's a sampler:
» Giuga10 - 16-01-16:53 -- Now that were on the topic of fishing books, has anyone read Chickens Sooup For The Fishermans Soul? I'm reading through it right now and it's really good!
» MichaelAngelo - 16-01-01:25 -- It's on sale for $15 right now. Not sure if a 3rd edition is planned soon
» MichaelAngelo - 16-01-01:24 -- Very excited to go back through my catches and confirm some identifications. I really miss using a field guide... a fond childhood memory using field guides for birds.
» MichaelAngelo - 16-01-01:23 -- Peterson's guide to freshwater fishes 2nd edition arrived today... yup I had a stagnant gift card I wasn't doing anything else with Smile
» MichaelAngelo - 15-01-02:54 -- that video's pretty amazing!
» MichaelAngelo - 15-01-00:45 -- What the MNR should consider is liscenses that excent for 1 year after the date of purchase. I told some friends not to start learning how to fish in November because they'd paid a full year of licence fees to fish for 2 months. Bonkers.
» OldTimer - 14-01-08:26 -- hard core fisherman:
» OldTimer - 14-01-08:14 -- In a lot of the states in the USA you can buy "lifetime" licences - something the MNR should consider........
» Giuga10 - 13-01-23:36 -- Ahhh the joys of not needing a license yet Tongue.
» MuskieBait - 13-01-21:03 -- Good point...I had completely forgot to renew my Ontario license too! Yikes...good thing I haven't been fishing yet Big Grin
» MichaelAngelo - 13-01-20:49 -- Loving the fact that I just realized I needed to renew my Outdoors Card AND my Fishing Liscence... guess my brain's still in Florida (where I still have a valid fishing liscence for both SALT and FRESH water )
» Giuga10 - 12-01-15:46 -- Awesome. It's working now. Thanks.
» MichaelAngelo - 12-01-15:37 -- Try now, I changed some settings again.
» OldTimer - 12-01-15:05 -- @MB - good one ... quick too.......
» Giuga10 - 12-01-15:05 -- Hey Mike, I think the problem for the posting is still there... At least for me it is Tongue
» OldTimer - 12-01-15:00 -- Neat - I'll use the electric knife - it's quicker.
» MuskieBait - 12-01-14:58 -- I would just skin that cat and put it on the to skin it? There are too many ways Tongue
» MichaelAngelo - 12-01-14:58 -- LOOOL
» OldTimer - 12-01-14:56 -- Great.......... anyone know how to fillet one?
» Giuga10 - 12-01-14:55 -- @OT yeah that should count, just list it under catfish.
» Giuga10 - 12-01-14:55 -- Ok thanks.
» MichaelAngelo - 12-01-14:54 -- Giuga10 sorry I hadn't properly set-up for forum permissions. should be fixed now.
» MichaelAngelo - 12-01-14:54 -- LOL... OT that was a recent discussion on Roughfish....
» OldTimer - 12-01-14:51 -- Nice weather..... so I decided to practice fly casting - but problem is - I hooked the neighbour's cat - can I enter it in the Multi Species challenge?
» OldTimer - 12-01-14:42 --
» Giuga10 - 12-01-14:31 -- Hey Mike, when I try to post my contest "page" it brings up the page for users under 16 posts trying to post in the reports section.
» MuskieBait - 12-01-14:10 -- Best advice would be to laminate the badges in case they get wet while while. Wink
» MichaelAngelo - 12-01-14:07 -- New subforum for the contest is up! Print out those badges on any pice of paper, cut it out and and slip it into your tackle box Smile
» MichaelAngelo - 12-01-14:07 -- LOL for the recent discussion of Florida.
» Giuga10 - 11-01-16:31 -- That would be great. I made a post about it to let some others know while you were away, did you see it?
» MuskieBait - 11-01-16:30 -- Yeah, the Multi Species Comp is still on...maybe Michael can create a subforum to centralize individual member's entries.
» MuskieBait - 11-01-16:29 -- Texas is great too! Similar to Florida from what my cousin tells me...he lives in Houston and works for Dow Chemicals.
» MuskieBait - 11-01-16:28 -- Summer time in Florida I'll be working during the day anyways...imagine waking up in the morning and steps away from your house is a canal full of 5-8lb snakeheads and 3-5lb bass?

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