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Shout Box
» Giuga10 - 16-12-00:04 -- Wow... That must have been a really cool expreience.
» MuskieBait - 15-12-23:19 -- It's was amazing that I saw the fish before it was known to the world, and now there is a name and a video to the Abe Angelfish!
» MuskieBait - 15-12-23:18 -- I have a blurry picture somewhere on my harddrive of the Abe Angelfish in its cold water tank (condensation on the glass made the picture blurry).
» MuskieBait - 15-12-23:16 -- At the time, he showed me a little deepsea angelfish that at the time was so new to science that it didn't even have a latin name. They have not decided on its taxonomy yet.
» MuskieBait - 15-12-23:15 -- When I went to Oahu in 2007, I knew someone who worked at Waikiki Aqurium. He took me on a facility tour.
» MuskieBait - 15-12-23:14 -- Very cool video! I can't believe they still have that Abe Angelfish!
» Giuga10 - 15-12-23:03 -- Hey MA this was the $30,000 fish I was talking about
» Jeremy Ray Green - 15-12-19:09 -- They are insulated waders and kept me Very Warm in the water compared to the neopryne, but these are going back to lebaron...
» Jeremy Ray Green - 15-12-19:08 -- With that said, I learned as i got home, that my brand new pair of waders that i just unwraped from the box this monring before i headed out to meet the group, which are suppoesed to be non breathable leak from the feet...
» Jeremy Ray Green - 15-12-19:07 -- Actually Giuga, With Grubman's thermometer, its was 32 degrees ferenheit, which would make the water temp in celcius, 1.111 degrees. but none the less if a person fell into that water , they would setup with hypothermia in not too long of a timefrmae, within minutes...
» Giuga10 - 15-12-16:35 -- The water temps today were 0 degrees celcius, brrrrrr.
» OldTimer - 15-12-16:28 -- Correction - dont wade them below 10C without insulated waders
» Giuga10 - 15-12-16:21 -- Great day today, until the end when I froze my a$$ off Tongue. Still better than a day at home and I learned a valuable lesson..... don't even think about rivers until you have waders Big Grin
» Giuga10 - 15-12-09:48 -- Hopefully today is a good day
» MuskieBait - 15-12-00:49 -- I'm not drooling over the Goliath Grouper, but the Porkfish swimming about Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
» MuskieBait - 15-12-00:47 -- Oops...
» MuskieBait - 15-12-00:47 -- Drool...
» MuskieBait - 15-12-00:38 -- Oh, those are just puppies...60-70lb Tongue Spotters definitely needed when you horse the fish off the wrecks. Big Grin
» MichaelAngelo - 14-12-20:19 --
» MichaelAngelo - 14-12-19:24 -- 180 yards!!!!! How do I do that!!!
» OldTimer - 14-12-15:45 -- No kiddin' - me too most of the time - no way you'd ever see a bite at that distance - just an engulf.
» MuskieBait - 14-12-14:59 -- Yardage is right...180+ yards...pretty good cast. I'm only hitting about 80 yards on the long rod...
» OldTimer - 14-12-13:58 -- wow yardage -
» OldTimer - 14-12-13:53 -- wy sorta like tubing if you hooked up to a sizeable
» MichaelAngelo - 14-12-13:49 -- Can I fish from my blue beach toy? Wink I'll be careful not to splash the paddles around like an injured seal.... Wink
» MuskieBait - 14-12-13:25 -- Definitely inertia challenged Big Grin I'm hoping for some small ones...easier to manage...and we'll have a wire cutter handy in case it gets out of hand.
» OldTimer - 14-12-07:33 -- Inertia challenged??? you idea is fine - besides, the belts are really awkward with a surf rod's long butt
» MuskieBait - 14-12-00:41 -- I think the best way to fight them is to sit down and plant the rod butt on the ground...with a spotter behind us keeping us planted on the ground?
» MuskieBait - 14-12-00:37 -- 100lb mono leader...and I have a couple pair of rubber coated gloves to handle them...just hope we don't get pulled in...Big Grin
» OldTimer - 13-12-17:26 -- Oh yeah......... be careful.. on a big one their skin cuts ya too
» MuskieBait - 12-12-18:24 -- Get my incoming drift? Big Grin
» MuskieBait - 12-12-18:23 -- Large mouths and toothy critters Wink
» MuskieBait - 12-12-18:23 -- With a potential to make a 6/0 reel smoke...
» MuskieBait - 12-12-18:22 -- Well, we're hoping to cross the list off left, right and center.
» OldTimer - 12-12-17:27 -- sorta like a zzz...zzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, etc?
» MuskieBait - 11-12-23:54 -- And I hope if it all works out, BAM! would be a very tame way to describe it. Big Grin
» MuskieBait - 11-12-23:54 -- I hope we didn't just jinxed it...all I want is good weather and water conditions. The rest will takes care of itself. Big Grin
» MichaelAngelo - 11-12-23:34 -- hahaha BAM!
» MuskieBait - 11-12-14:06 -- I'd love to...but this weekend will be a solid work weekend...and maybe the next weekend too...but then after Christmas...BAM! Wink
» MichaelAngelo - 10-12-23:12 -- congrats on the waders Jeremy, I'd love to come out on Sat... weekend is looking free so far (a rarity nowadays!!)
» MichaelAngelo - 10-12-23:11 -- "the species were named after former or current U.S leaders who have worked to promote conservation and environmental protection" not too shabby!!! Big Grin
» Giuga10 - 10-12-22:40 -- My Dad said he probably could bring me down so, should be able to come.
» Jeremy Ray Green - 10-12-20:57 -- So whos into a river meetup this Saturday? Im dying to try out my new chest waders
» Giuga10 - 09-12-23:21 -- Lol. I dunno, seems legit.
» Jeremy Ray Green - 09-12-23:00 -- That's Gotta be a joke???
» jkman - 09-12-18:09 -- That's some cool darters names!
» Giuga10 - 08-12-11:56 -- 4 New species of Darter found. What kills me is the names Tongue
» Giuga10 - 07-12-20:20 -- Ya. This is a picture of the Male I'm breeding Smile
» OldTimer - 07-12-19:02 -- Is'nt a Beta sorta like old VHS...... before CDs or USB's or OCD'
» Giuga10 - 07-12-16:36 -- Wow. That ones awesome. I decided on Breeding Half Moon Bettas instead because I only have female Veiltails to work with and when a Crowntail is mixed with a Veiltail the tail gets all distorted so I got a Male Halfmoon which will give me a chance to get Deltas is I breed it with a Veiltail. And then from Delta I will try to get a pure Halfmoon.

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