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Shout Box
» Giuga10 - 17-11-22:39 -- I want a fancy one lol Big Grin
» Giuga10 - 17-11-22:39 -- NP now you've got to help me to a new species Tongue
» MuskieBait - 17-11-19:32 -- Thanks Nick for your help on species #276! Big Grin
» Giuga10 - 16-11-21:52 -- Hey MA in regards to your unidentified fish, I think it might be a Fathead Minnow
» OldTimer - 16-11-14:44 -- BTW - I'll leave the chicken thing alone............
» OldTimer - 16-11-14:43 -- After all this hype you had better pump it up before
» MuskieBait - 16-11-14:42 -- BTW, where is this mythical California report of yours? Tongue Somehow it's hard for me to believe it even's reaching Loch Ness Monster level of lore...Big Grin
» MuskieBait - 16-11-14:40 -- You know...try to use a chunk of squid in the evening on an incoming tide...things may just happen...similar concept...change it up, switch to a new target, fish the right condition, use the right bait...and you'll score. Tongue
» MuskieBait - 16-11-14:39 -- Wrong condition, wrong timing, wrong bait, wrong target fish Tongue
» MuskieBait - 16-11-14:38 -- I thought you learned your lesson in San Diego already...
» MichaelAngelo - 16-11-12:48 -- sure, I'm in. Tired of getting skunked at trout LOL Tongue
» MuskieBait - 16-11-10:56 -- Hey Michael, if you are free tomorrow morning, wanna come out to creek fish for micros for a bit? Maybe catch a dace that you can confirm this time Wink
» MichaelAngelo - 16-11-09:44 -- the only thing besides creek chub I've caught in robinson and I don't know what it is! LOL
» MichaelAngelo - 16-11-09:43 -- Hey nick that dace you caught, looks like one I have unidentified from Robinson creek:
» MichaelAngelo - 16-11-09:32 -- OT, I don't have a dog, but I could have said a chicken ate it Wink.
» Giuga10 - 15-11-21:01 -- Ok
» MuskieBait - 15-11-20:54 -- Don't need to go far...maybe just spend 2-3 hours in the morning micro hunting in the creeks.
» Giuga10 - 15-11-20:37 -- And they've got lots of fish
» Giuga10 - 15-11-20:37 -- Yeah I'm free. I can't go too far from home though becuase all I have is my bike but there are a few Creeks by my place if thats good.
» MuskieBait - 15-11-20:31 -- Nick, are you free on Saturday? Maybe I can go micro hunting with you.
» MuskieBait - 15-11-20:30 -- I feel like I need to do some micro fishing...I need to catch a Blacknose Dace, Longnose Dace and some darters.
» MuskieBait - 15-11-20:29 -- Hm...the snout on the "Longnose" doesn't look long enough to be a Longnose. From the pictures I saw online, the lower jaw length is half as long as the upper jaw length.
» Giuga10 - 15-11-20:00 -- Srry for the long shout
» Giuga10 - 15-11-19:59 -- Great day for fishing today: Updated my Eastern Blacnose Dace to a Western Blacknose Dace - (Species #14), Caught a Longnose Dace - (*New, Species #15, I'm a bit skeptical on this one though, he had a noticeably longer nose but I'm not sure if it's actually a Longnose, Ken any thoughts?), a Redside Dace - (*New, Species #16), and lots of Creek Chub!
» Giuga10 - 15-11-18:19 -- I hear he bites pretty hard!
» Giuga10 - 15-11-18:18 -- Lol
» OldTimer - 15-11-17:16 -- ..........or Dave Mercer.............
» MuskieBait - 15-11-00:13 -- MA is MIA at the moment...not replying text messages, not replying emails...I hope the gator gar didn't get him. Tongue
» Giuga10 - 14-11-17:22 -- Lol
» OldTimer - 14-11-17:16 -- Hey MA.......... what ever happened to that California report of yours? Dog eat it?
» Giuga10 - 13-11-21:17 -- Cold water Carping! I think I know what I'm doing on the weekend Tongue
» Giuga10 - 12-11-17:06 -- I never talked about targeting them, I know I shouldnt target protected fish. Smile
» Jeremy Ray Green - 12-11-16:05 -- becareful how you talk about targeting them, protected species are not to be targeted.... Just a Heads up
» Jeremy Ray Green - 12-11-16:04 -- Just a heads up, the Redside Dace are a protected species,
» MuskieBait - 12-11-13:42 -- Congrats. Both looks like Blacknose Dace.
» Giuga10 - 11-11-22:09 -- And BTW is this another Blacknose Dace -
» Giuga10 - 11-11-22:01 -- Caught lots of Creek Chub, my friend caught a Redside Dace (sadly no pic), and I caught my lifelist species #14 Blacknose Dace -
» Giuga10 - 11-11-21:59 -- Went out to Robinson Creek today with o a friend and it was pretty good!
» Giuga10 - 11-11-20:11 -- If anyone here uses Reddit I made a subreddit for micro fishing
» Jeremy Ray Green - 11-11-18:05 -- Nothing but some chubb today, the bows will be here soon enough...
» Giuga10 - 11-11-15:09 -- Good luck.... I'm gonna spend my day exploring local creeks!
» Jeremy Ray Green - 11-11-12:58 -- Sucha a nice warm day out there, Im heading to the rouge river south of 407 north of steels, Wish me luck...
» Giuga10 - 10-11-19:29 -- Lol I have to wait till March break!
» OldTimer - 10-11-17:10 -- Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.......... time to head to Florida......
» Giuga10 - 10-11-12:16 -- Look up "world record chub" on google images... theres some that go over 10Lbs
» Jeremy Ray Green - 10-11-10:18 -- That's Gotta be a World Record Chubb I would say..
» Giuga10 - 09-11-23:26 -- At 25:00 my mind blew Big Grin
» Giuga10 - 09-11-23:20 -- Michael if we had Chub like these would you still hate them? Tongue
» Giuga10 - 08-11-16:46 -- Love that show!
» Jeremy Ray Green - 08-11-15:34 -- It's Called Wicked Tuna, the whole first season is available to watch

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