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Shout Box
» Jeremy Ray Green - 08-11-15:34 -- Hey Theres a tv show you can find on YOU TUBE,
» MichaelAngelo - 08-11-14:19 -- sorry haven't posted much these past few days - just been busy with non-fishing life. I'll be back soon!
» Giuga10 - 07-11-16:09 -- Just got my Tanago hooks Big Grin
» Giuga10 - 05-11-23:40 -- Very interesting. Thanks!
» Jeremy Ray Green - 05-11-21:32 -- I Think that would fit the bill Wink
» Jeremy Ray Green - 05-11-21:31 -- now if a study was created for a brook trout program,
» MuskieBait - 05-11-21:19 -- I agree with Jeremy. Redside dace is much more important than stocking a non-native trout into the system. This is an example of where human meddling can harm native species and ecosystems.
» Jeremy Ray Green - 05-11-21:13 -- there is already alot of work that the few members of the MEA already accomplish, if the public would like to get invovlved and start creating their own studies/programs, there is allot of support that can be mustard up when needed..
» Jeremy Ray Green - 05-11-21:12 -- Plus the MEA, has never had a member take interest in creating a study in the system...
» Jeremy Ray Green - 05-11-21:11 -- There is no reason withini the ifshery management plan, tostock robunson creek, it is also slated as a red side dace river and any stocking of predator species might create a problem for this endangerd species.
» Giuga10 - 05-11-17:33 -- with trout
» Giuga10 - 05-11-17:32 -- Jeremy, why dont the Metro East Anglers stock Robinson Creek
» Giuga10 - 04-11-23:13 -- Pinky finger is so swollen I can't bend it Sad Gonna give me a bit of trouble when casting but it's not gonna keep me away Tongue
» Giuga10 - 04-11-17:21 -- Yeah, definately a slow day but it was nice to get out there.
» Jeremy Ray Green - 04-11-17:04 -- only managed a catfish in the few hours spent there today.
» Jeremy Ray Green - 04-11-17:03 -- Fishing was slow today, It was nice when the sun came out for a few minutes,
» Giuga10 - 04-11-11:52 -- lol I'm going there in an hour... Maybe I'll see you there!
» Jeremy Ray Green - 04-11-11:38 -- heading to swan lake with my brother in-law, ill let you know how it was..
» MuskieBait - 04-11-10:56 -- Exactly, Washington state and not Washington, DC. Wink Good sleuthing Big Grin
» Giuga10 - 04-11-10:51 -- Turns out it was from Washington... Heres the full video.... Very cool
» MuskieBait - 04-11-10:44 -- There is no known successful stocking and establishment of chum salmon on the east check your source for credibility. Don't believe everything that is on the internet. Wink
» Giuga10 - 04-11-00:36 -- More Salmon in the streets thanks to Sandy
» MichaelAngelo - 03-11-21:27 -- same here, went all-out on the rouge today, empty handed. should have gone to a reliable trib instead!
» Giuga10 - 03-11-20:03 -- Haha.... I wasn't able to do any fishing during the week because of the storm so I needed to get my fix Tongue
» MichaelAngelo - 03-11-19:52 -- Nothing for me today... cold hands!
» Giuga10 - 02-11-17:17 -- Went out fishing today..... NOTHING!...... Seems like whenever the cold hits. Fish don't bite Sad
» MichaelAngelo - 02-11-10:38 -- it's really really cold... I need to get outta here!
» MichaelAngelo - 02-11-09:40 -- flying ladder knocked that guy in the head.... truly nuts!
» OldTimer - 02-11-06:39 -- too nuts:
» MichaelAngelo - 02-11-00:04 -- I'm sure there are fish there too after all this rain!
» Giuga10 - 01-11-19:09 -- The Rouge right by us?
» Giuga10 - 01-11-19:09 -- Lol I saw quite a few around my place but definately not what it used to be. Kinda like the Sturgeon in Lake O Tongue
» MichaelAngelo - 01-11-19:09 -- spent an hour at the Rouge today before I got frustrated by the surging flooding LOL... but I saw some fish splashing around so they're there! Need advice on fishing fast flows!
» MichaelAngelo - 01-11-19:08 -- wasn't really about the candy... I'm just sad not many kids go around in our area anymore LOL... gotta keep the hope alive!!! Tongue
» MichaelAngelo - 01-11-19:05 -- LOL OT
» Giuga10 - 01-11-17:55 -- @OT Lol @MA I'll never give in to Trick or Treating at the mall unless the weather is absoute crap, the mall takes away the experience of door to door IMO. And kudos to goin out last year, candy is candy no matter how old you are Big Grin
» OldTimer - 01-11-16:42 -- I went out to bar dressed as a minister and got three confessions and a
» MichaelAngelo - 31-10-22:26 -- last year I even busted out the ukulele for the trick or treating... not in this weather though. Hopefully next year!
» MichaelAngelo - 31-10-22:23 -- i couldn't convince my friends this year... they seeem to think we're "too old" now... like 1 year makes a difference anymore LOL
» MichaelAngelo - 31-10-22:23 -- good for you man. on the streets or in the mall? I went trick or treating last year.... LOL never too old!!!
» Giuga10 - 31-10-22:13 -- Lol Me and my brother managed about 3 LBS of candy tonight...... Never too old Tongue
» MichaelAngelo - 31-10-22:08 -- My street was totally dead... but apparently the mall was busy... kids these days
» Giuga10 - 31-10-16:53 -- Happy Halloween! Don't stay up too late eating candy Tongue
» OldTimer - 31-10-16:28 -- Trick or Treat
» Giuga10 - 30-10-20:59 -- Lol that's awesome!
» MichaelAngelo - 30-10-19:38 -- did anyone catch The National yesterday? The correspondent in NYC said they "saw a guy fishing, well that's NUTS" LOL
» Giuga10 - 29-10-18:15 -- Batten down the hatches and keep your flashlights nearby.... Tonights gonna be interesting!
» Giuga10 - 29-10-15:03 -- Thanks for the info Big Grin
» OldTimer - 29-10-12:23 -- I'm fairly sure I've read that most fish carry eggs for about 5 months prior to spawning
» MuskieBait - 29-10-12:12 -- Not sure...but like OT said, they spawn in the spring. All the perch I catch in the winter are primed for the spawn. Deep fried perch roe sacks are pretty taste! Big Grin

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