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Shout Box
» MikeH - 22-08-12:38 -- Welcome Back!
» MichaelAngelo - 22-08-01:37 -- Hey guys I'm back in Toronto!
» --G-- - 20-08-13:51 -- Anyone be out downtown tonight? I was thinking about trying Ashbridges again...
» OldTimer - 16-08-18:26 -- smile........
» OldTimer - 16-08-18:25 -- If your on your own ...... check out the beach - lottsa fun there too!
» MichaelAngelo - 16-08-02:06 -- On my own, I'm getting shovelnose after shovelnose. They're lots fun, but I'd like to catch something else! lol Smile
» MichaelAngelo - 16-08-02:06 -- I knew there would be an early run, ask fishfight lol
» OldTimer - 15-08-14:51 -- Hey MA - whaddya think of the salty fishing? Had any luck?
» MikeH - 13-08-21:13 -- yes. Theres an early run into the eastern tribs due to the heavy rain and temp drop
» OldTimer - 13-08-18:06 -- Lots of chatter here and there about Salmon...... any true?
» MichaelAngelo - 12-08-01:38 -- sounds good Tongue
» Seanook - 09-08-11:29 -- My first shout. "BAAAAAAAAH!"
» MichaelAngelo - 08-08-22:23 -- Hey guys just checking in. Trip's going great so far... lots of desert! Big Grin We just got to Palm Springs, CA and heading to San Diego tomorrow... so I can start fishing the surf!!!
» OldTimer - 05-08-18:14 -- Hey MA - have a great time on the coast!
» MichaelAngelo - 03-08-12:00 -- welcome!
» A2F - 03-08-10:50 -- Hi Everyone - I'm a new joiner!
» OldTimer - 02-08-18:37 -- .....doh!.............
» MichaelAngelo - 02-08-17:38 -- Smile
» MichaelAngelo - 02-08-17:38 -- just kidding
» MichaelAngelo - 02-08-17:38 -- My laptop's coming with me to Cali so I can continue to protect this board from all that explicit content you guys like posting Tongue lol
» MichaelAngelo - 02-08-17:21 -- lol good one Smile
» MikeH - 02-08-07:21 -- Its ok....its on the internet! you can access it anytime....
» MichaelAngelo - 01-08-20:40 -- i'm getting stoked... cali 4 days away! so much to read+learn MikeH I still didn't properly review your reply to my thread .... will do soon!
» MikeH - 31-07-21:02 --
» MikeH - 31-07-21:02 -- it was passed by council on the last day before break, no word on the summit yet.
» OldTimer - 31-07-18:17 -- So - has anyone heard of any progress on Toronto's Gone Fishin motion?:
» MichaelAngelo - 30-07-11:05 -- report to come!
» MichaelAngelo - 30-07-11:05 -- When trolling without rod holders, it is advisable to tie your rod to something Smile. Rope saved me a rod this weekend Big Grin.
» MichaelAngelo - 29-07-23:14 -- back from a weekend in Haliburton. Oh elusive Lake Trout I'll get you next time!
» MichaelAngelo - 25-07-08:34 -- awesome, I wish you two all the best Smile
» prime89 - 24-07-12:26 -- i think shes going in for labour tonight or tommorow..from the looks of it..Smile
» prime89 - 24-07-12:26 -- oh ya..just been busy with work and wifes pregnancy
» MichaelAngelo - 23-07-15:49 -- hey shariq! glad to hear from you. There's fishing to be had, my friend!
» prime89 - 23-07-12:19 -- hope everyone is doing great!..i havent been fishing in so long!!
» prime89 - 23-07-12:18 -- wow long time for mee
» OldTimer - 16-07-07:47 -- back from a week of topwater Smallmouth in Muskoka - report later....
» MichaelAngelo - 15-07-21:27 -- Here's something to chew on!
» MichaelAngelo - 15-07-21:27 -- back!
» MichaelAngelo - 12-07-23:48 -- Will be away this weekend, back on Sunday. Nobody get excited now and start posting explicit content lol Tongue
» MichaelAngelo - 10-07-00:13 -- in case you were wondering what happened to me lol
» MichaelAngelo - 10-07-00:13 -- Hey guys, I'm back from a grueling back-to-back 3 days of fishing!
» manitoubass2 - 08-07-18:28 -- but yes, its been nothing short of an amazing year thus far!!!! I'll get some reports etc up soon
» manitoubass2 - 08-07-18:28 -- oh i've been really busy between work and fishing!
» OldTimer - 06-07-15:44 -- Hey MB2 - ya gottsta have a few wee tails to share....
» MichaelAngelo - 06-07-15:30 -- i hope you have some more for us Tongue
» MichaelAngelo - 06-07-15:30 -- what a read I tell ya!
» MichaelAngelo - 06-07-15:30 -- man last time I remember, I was reading your most terribly amazing fishing story
» MichaelAngelo - 06-07-15:29 -- hey MB2! long time no see
» manitoubass2 - 06-07-15:06 -- hows everyone been?
» OldTimer - 05-07-14:56 -- Had a great mornin' with surface baits for smallmouth on the Grand River

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