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All set up for May 24! But I could use some help
03-18-2017, 12:28 PM
Post: #1
All set up for May 24! But I could use some help
Hey All,
I just rented a cottage on the south shore of Nipissing for the Victoria Day Long weekend for some rest, relaxation, fishing and family time. we've also rented a small boat with a 25hp outboard and I understand that Nipissing is a huge body of water. I want to catch and enter as many fish spiecies as possible, but I mainly want to target Walleye. (Side note. Last year, I caught my first Walleye in 20 years! I filleted it and made deep fried fish nuggets and now I'm hooked)

In terms of help, I could use some guidance in what areas I should be targeting. As I said Nipissing is huge and I don't know where to start. Also, I have to make sure to keep my wife and our 5 yr old daughter entertained, or else my fishing time is shot!

My plan right now is to find and fish weed lines close to our cottage keeping the wife and kid on worms either under a float or on bottom while I jig or cast cranks along the edges. I'll advise the wife to bring a book and I'll have a tablet loaded up with a couple of kid friendly movies in case we troll. And every once in a while I will open up the throttle to get the wind in our faces (weather and waves permitting) and as much as 25hp can move us.

If you have suggestions or tips I'm all ears! And not just for the fishing, if you know of any farmers markets, kids attractions in the area or any good fish fry recipes let me know.

... these were last years fish nuggets
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05-04-2017, 10:03 AM
Post: #2
RE: All set up for May 24! But I could use some help
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05-04-2017, 02:23 PM
Post: #3
RE: All set up for May 24! But I could use some help

It's been a VERY long time since I fished this lake with my late uncle in the spring..... but here's what I recall:

Huge lake - the expanse of open water can get real rough, real quick.

As far as fishing we did catch mid sized walleye - most of which took live minnows using bottom rigs, or behind willow leaf, or june bug spinners.

Old fashioned worm harnesses also produced.

Most of our fishing was done in about 20-25 feet of water. Still fishing or drifting or dead slow troll.

Cant comment on other lures. Rarely used by us.

In any case almost every fish we caught near or on bottom.

My uncle's spots:


Hope that helps.



<>< I once gave up fishing. It was the most terrifying weekend of my life. ><>

See you on the river.
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05-04-2017, 10:53 PM
Post: #4
RE: All set up for May 24! But I could use some help
Thank you OT!
I will be staying just north of Hunters Bay Marine so this does help a lot!
Hopefully my lil one will recall fond memories if she is evr asked about Lake Nipissing, just as you recall the memories of your late Uncle.
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05-05-2017, 05:53 AM (This post was last modified: 05-05-2017 06:02 AM by OldTimer.)
Post: #5
RE: All set up for May 24! But I could use some help
No problem. Hope the weekend is a blast.

Will look forward to your walleye and perch entries in the 2017 MSC.

<>< I once gave up fishing. It was the most terrifying weekend of my life. ><>

See you on the river.
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05-28-2017, 09:44 PM
Post: #6
RE: All set up for May 24! But I could use some help
My Walleye / Pike opening weekend did not go as planned. I did not catch a single fish in terms of the intended species, but I can say the fishery is quite healthy and I did catch some fish. Also the weather did not co operate as much as I would have liked. Because of this, unfortunately the fish fry never happened and I do not have any entries into the species challenge from this trip. FACE PALM.

I did however get a chance to break in 2 new reels and I finally got to put my bait casting set up in action. I will leave a detailed report in the Reports Section.

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05-30-2017, 02:56 PM
Post: #7
RE: All set up for May 24! But I could use some help
Yes - the weather has been quite a problem for myself too - so far............... But I'll still keep trying, and enjoying my days out there.

<>< I once gave up fishing. It was the most terrifying weekend of my life. ><>

See you on the river.
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05-31-2017, 03:23 PM
Post: #8
RE: All set up for May 24! But I could use some help
What did you catch?
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06-02-2017, 10:06 PM
Post: #9
RE: All set up for May 24! But I could use some help
I am probably going to get ripped for posting but I landed few smallies and lost my pb Muskie . I literally only hooked into out of season species
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06-03-2017, 03:16 PM (This post was last modified: 06-03-2017 03:18 PM by MuskieBait.)
Post: #10
RE: All set up for May 24! But I could use some help
Not going to get ripped here. Incidental catches are sometimes inevitable. The differences is whether you spend the time to take trophy shots (and post them on the internet) vs. releasing the fish immediately. The former will be ripped Angel, the latter is the right approach that follows the regulations and adhere to conservation approaches. Wink You didn't post any worries.

Malama o ke kai

Caution - Objects in picture are smaller than they appear. I am genetically predisposed to make fish look bigger.

Life List: 577 species and counting (2016: 91 new species)
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