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Cats on the Larry
04-02-2020, 03:28 PM
Post: #1
Cats on the Larry
I am going to be fishing in a month-long Catfish tournament this may - I love fishing for Cats pretty much any time of year, mostly out of the Ottawa.

But - in the tournament, Can go anywhere in Ontario (assuming of course we are not locked down). I have seen a few videos about cats on the St. Lawrence being larger than the Ottawa, so naturally I want to hit that. But the Larry is HUGE. I am also looking for sheltered spots, I can't deal with much current (will be in a Kayak, so places to launch are helpful, not necessarily going to be shore-fishing).

Any suggestions of where to start would be appreciated.

As usual, not looking for specific honey-holes. But at the same time, It's not like I am targeting Bass or Walleye here (plus it is all catch and release).

More just general areas.

Are the canal-ways around Cardial any good?
What about the bays around Brockville (like McDonald Bay? Tunnel Bay?)
Behind Ault Island, maybe off Ault Island Road?

Thanks for reading!!!

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