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Dead Fish found on shore! Extremely Pissed off !
08-05-2016, 12:16 AM
Post: #1
Dead Fish found on shore! Extremely Pissed off !
SO I went fishing at a local fishing hole I've been going to for awhile since I was a kid to kill a couple of hours after work... All I was looking to catch was anything willing to hit my worm, usually sucker, chub, bullheads, panfish, trout etc..

Upon walking up to the bank i noticed a smell with the resemblance of a poorly maintained fish market when i quickly found out the source of the smell... THere were about 15 to 20 fish lefts on the shore to die, some with their heads pierced with a knife... The fish were mostly Bullheads with some Suckers and couple large sunfish mixed in...

THe sad part about it is it was most likely a "Trout" fisherman. This absolutely PISSES me off as a lot of these die hard trouters have no respect for the life of any fish unless it's a trout. IT's bad enough that this river has been altered in recent years to become more of a Trout habitat, as most of the gamefish "Bass, Crappie, Pike" which I used to catch here are now non existent.

So what i see here is the Ministry favoring the "Non-Native" trout and alienating the "Native" species found here in Ontario, and it seems to extend to the fishermen pursuing Trout, since they feel encouraged to rid the system of anything that isn't a Trout...

Is there even a charge for such a practice or is this perfectly legal practice since these were all course fish? THIs seems very counter productive to what the "Ministry of Natural resources" stands for... And for those who indiscriminately KILL your non-targeted species, if you're not catching what you want simply move upstream and look for your quarry, don't KILL anything needlessly!!! Believe it or not a lot of people don't mind catching sucker or bullhead, and I believe the Ministry should do more to thwart this practice as I've been seeing it far too often lately... !!! Angry
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08-05-2016, 06:28 AM (This post was last modified: 08-05-2016 11:02 AM by OldTimer.)
Post: #2
RE: Dead Fish found on shore! Extremely Pissed off !
Individuals who do such things are not "fishermen" they are "low life criminal scum" who happen to possess fishing gear.

Yes - it is illegal to do so as seen in the regs:


And there is a fine:


Note: like most fines such can be applied multiple times for multiple violations........... And fishing licences can be revoked and denied for long periods of time. And for severe infractions they confiscate personal belongings in your possession at the time of severe infraction (gear, boats, cars, helicopters............)

<>< I once gave up fishing. It was the most terrifying weekend of my life. ><>

See you on the river.
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08-14-2016, 11:14 AM
Post: #3
RE: Dead Fish found on shore! Extremely Pissed off !
It might worth a call to the ministry to monitor that area more closely.
I imagine with all the cuts, the province does not have too many officers out there monitoring "peoples" activity but this is insane. Note I said "people" not angler, a true angler would not do such thing.
Next week the same person will be bitching and complaining there is nothing to catch, I wonder why?
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08-18-2016, 11:52 PM
Post: #4
RE: Dead Fish found on shore! Extremely Pissed off !
Wow, that is insanity. It doesn't make sense why anyone would do this. Yeah, I get you are only going for trout but why kill everything that isnt one?! Ugh, truly disgusting behavior. The smell and all the waste is also another reason why fishing gets banned in so many places. people like this dont deserve a rod and reel in their hands.
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08-22-2016, 10:16 PM
Post: #5
RE: Dead Fish found on shore! Extremely Pissed off !
(08-14-2016 11:14 AM)observer135 Wrote:  It might worth a call to the ministry to monitor that area more closely.
I imagine with all the cuts, the province does not have too many officers out there monitoring "peoples" activity but this is insane. Note I said "people" not angler, a true angler would not do such thing.
Next week the same person will be bitching and complaining there is nothing to catch, I wonder why?

It seems they wouldn't care, since if it isn't a Trout they'd rather not catch it.
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03-21-2019, 09:54 PM
Post: #6
RE: Dead Fish found on shore! Extremely Pissed off !
Its a real shame to see, i have come across this once or twice before.
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