Epic fish porn [Picture X-Heavy]
04-18-2012, 10:35 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-18-2012 10:44 PM by MuskieBait.)
Post: #1
Epic fish porn [Picture X-Heavy]
I've posted this on several other forums...however, I've added a few more species since. Maybe there are a few new fish you haven't seen yet.
Disclaimer: This is posted in the spirit of sharing a love for fish and fishing. Before I begin, I want to thank everyone who has shared this passion, given encouragements, shared information, and to those few who I am truly in debt and had the privilege of sharing some waters with...THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! My journey cannot come this far without you. Although I'm not even close to Mr. Steve Woznick's 1000+ documented species, this is a journey that is taken seriously and with undeterred determination. I have caught and documented 208 species to date but there are only 198 species shown here. There were some species I caught in the past before I got serious with photographic evidence and documentation…so there are a few species missing pictures. There are also a few species which I have pictures in prints…but I have lost these photographs over the years. As scientific as I could be (without actual genetic data), I arranged the species by class, order, family, subfamily, genus, species. Otherwise, they are listed alphabetically. Anyways...without further ado… Actinopterygii_Acipenseriformes_Acipenseridae Acipenserinae Acipenser_transmontanus (White_Sturgeon) Actinopterygii_Albuliformes_Albulidae Albulinae Albula_vulpes (Bonefish) Actinopterygii_Amiiformes_Amiidae Amia_calva (Bowfin) Actinopterygii_Anguilliformes_Muraenidae Muraeninae Gymnothorax_funebris (Green_Moray) Actinopterygii_Aulopiformes_Synodontidae Synodontinae Synodus_dermatogenys (Sand_Lizardfish) Actinopterygii_Beloniformes_Belonidae Belone_belone (Garfish) Strongylura_exilis (California_Needlefish) Strongylura_strongulura (Spottail_Needlefish) Actinopterygii_Clupeiformes_Clupeidae Opisthonema_oglinum (Atlantic_Thread_Herring) Actinopterygii_Cypriniformes_Catostomidae Catostominae Catostomus_commersonii (White_Sucker) Hypentelium nigricans (Northern Hog Sucker) Moxostoma_anisurum (Silver_Redhorse) Moxostoma_erythrurum (Golden_Redhorse) Moxostoma_macrolepidotum (Shorthead_Redhorse) Actinopterygii_Cypriniformes_Cyprinidae Barbonymus_schwanenfeldii (Tinfoil_Barb) Catlocarpio_siamensis (Giant_Barb) Hampala_macrolepidota (Hampala_Barb) Cyprininae Carassius_auratus_auratus (Goldfish) Carassius_auratus_auratus x Cyprinus_carpio_carpio (Goldfish x Common Carp Hybrid -> based on lateral line scale count) * Not counted as a separate species...but just interesting... Cyprinus_carpio_carpio (Common_Carp) Leuciscinae Luxilus_chrysocephalus (Striped_Shiner) Luxilus_cornutus (Common_Shiner) Nocomis_micropogon (River_Chub) Notemigonus_crysoleucas (Golden_Shiner) Notropis_photogenis (Silver_Shiner) Ptychocheilus_oregonensis (Northern_Pikeminnow) Richardsonius_balteatus (Redside_Shiner) Semotilus_atromaculatus (Creek_Chub) Semotilus_corporalis (Fallfish) Actinopterygii_Elopiformes_Elopidae Elops_saurus (Ladyfish) Actinopterygii_Elopiformes_Megalopidae Megalops_cyprinoides (Indo_Pacific_Tarpon) Actinopterygii_Esociformes_Esocidae Esox_lucius (Northern_Pike) Esox_masquinongy (Muskellunge) Actinopterygii_Gadiformes_Gadidae Gadus_morhua (Atlantic_Cod) Actinopterygii_Gadiformes_Lotidae Brosme_brosme (Tusk) Lota_lota (Burbot) Actinopterygii_Lepisosteiformes_Lepisosteidae Lepisosteus_osseus (Longnose_Gar) Actinopterygii_Osmeriformes_Osmeridae Osmerus_mordax_mordax (Atlantic_Rainbow_Smelt) Actinopterygii_Osteoglossiformes_Hiodontidae Hiodon_tergisus (Mooneye) Actinopterygii_Osteoglossiformes_Notopteridae Notopterus_notopterus (Bronze_Featherback) Actinopterygii_Perciformes_Ancanthuridae Nasinae Naso_brevirostris (Paletail_Unicornfish) Naso_hexacanthus (Sleek_Unicornfish) Actinopterygii_Perciformes_Apogonidae Apogoninae Apogon_imberbis (Cardinal_Fish) Actinopterygii_Perciformes_Caesionidae Caesioninae Caesio_cuning (Redbelly_Yellowtail_Fusilier) Actinopterygii_Perciformes_Carangidae Caranx_crysos (Blue_Runner) Caranx_hippos (Crevalle_Jack) Caranx_melampygus (Bluefin_Trevally) Chloroscombrus_chrysurus (Atlantic_Bumper) Decapterus_punctatus (Round_Scad) Scomberoides_commersonnianus (Talang_Queenfish) Scomberoides_lysan (Doublespotted_Queenfish) Seriola_dumerili (Greater_Amberjack) Seriola_hippos (Samsonfish) Trachinotus_ovatus (Pompano) Actinopterygii_Perciformes_Centrarchidae Ambloplites_rupestris (Rock_Bass) Lepomis_punctatus (Spotted_Sunfish) Lepomis_cyanellus (Green_Sunfish) Lepomis_gibbosus (Pumpkinseed_Sunfish) Lepomis_macrochirus (Bluegill_Sunfish) Micropterus_dolomieu (Smallmouth_Bass) Micropterus_salmoides (Largemouth_Bass) Pomoxis_nigromaculatus (Black_Crappie) Actinopterygii_Perciformes_Centropomidae Centropomus_undecimalis (Common_Snook) Actinopterygii_Perciformes_Cichlidae Cichlasomatinae Amatitlania_nigrofasciata (Convict_Cichlid) Amphilophus_labiatus (Red_Devil) Cichlasoma_urophthalmus (Mexican_Mojarra) Cichlinae Cichla_ocellaris (Butterfly_Peacock) Pseudocrenilabrinae Hemichromis_elongatus (Banded_Jewel_Cichlid) Sarotherodon_melanotheron (Blackchin_Tilapia) Actinopterygii_Perciformes_Cirrhitidae Cirrhitops_fasciatus (Redbarred_Hawkfish) Actinopterygii_Perciformes_Coryphaenidae Coryphaena_hippurus (Common_Dolphinfish) Actinopterygii_Perciformes_Embiotocidae Amphistichus_argenteus (Barred_Surfperch) Cymatogaster_aggregata (Shiner_Perch) Rhacochilus_vacca (Pile_Perch) Actinopterygii_Perciformes_Ephippidae Chaetodipterus_faber (Atlantic_Spadefish) Actinopterygii_Perciformes_Gerreidae Gerres_oyena (Common_Silver_Biddy) Actinopterygii_Perciformes_Gobiidae Gobiidnae Glossogobius_giuris (Tank_Goby) Gobius_niger (Black_Goby) Neogobius_melanostomus (Round_Goby) Actinopterygii_Perciformes_Haemulidae Anisotremus_davidsonii (Xantic_Sargo) Haemulon_flavolineatum (French_Grunt) Haemulon_plumierii (White_Grunt) Haemulon_aurolineatum (Tomtate_Grunt) Orthopristis_chrysoptera (Pigfish) Actinopterygii_Perciformes_Haemulidae Plectorhinchus_cinctus (Crescent_Sweetlips) Actinopterygii_Perciformes_Kuhliidae Kuhlia_sandvicensis (Hawaiian_Flagtail) Actinopterygii_Perciformes_Labridae Tautoga_onitis (Tautog) Tautogolabrus_adspersus (Cunner) Corinae Cheilio_inermis (Cigar_Wrasse) Coris_julis (Mediterranean_Rainbow_Wrasse) Coris_venusta (Elegant_Coris) Halichoeres_bivittatus (Slippery_Dick) Halichoeres_nigrescens (Bubblefin_Wrasse) Symphodus_melops (Corkwing_Wrasse) Thalassoma_duperrey (Saddle_Wrasse) Thalassoma_pavo (Ornate_Wrasse) Thalassoma_trilobatum (Christmas_Wrasse) Actinopterygii_Perciformes_Labrisomidae Labrisomus_nuchipinnis (Hairy_Blenny) Actinopterygii_Perciformes_Lateolabracidae Lateolabrax_japonicus (Japanese_Seabass) Actinopterygii_Perciformes_Leiognathidae Nuchequula_gerreoides (Decorated_Ponyfish) Actinopterygii_Perciformes_Lutjanidae Etelinae Aphareus_furca (Small_Toothed_Jobfish) Aprion_virescens (Green_Jobfish) Lutjaninae Lutjanus_argentimaculatus (Mangrove_Red_Snapper) Lutjanus_griseus (Grey_Snapper) Lutjanus_russellii (Russells_Snapper) Rhomboplites_aurorubens (Vermillion_Snapper) Actinopterygii_Perciformes_Moronidae Dicentrarchus_labrax (European_Seabass) Morone_americana (White_Perch) Morone_saxatilis (Striped_Bass) Actinopterygii_Perciformes_Mullidae Mullus_surmuletus (Surmullet) Actinopterygii_Perciformes_Nandidae Pristolepis_fasciata (Malayan_Leaffish) Actinopterygii_Perciformes_Osphronemidae Osphronemus_goramy (Giant_Gourami) Actinopterygii_Perciformes_Percidae Luciopercinae Sander_canadensis (Sauger) Sander_vitreus (Walleye) Percinae Perca_flavenscens (Yellow_Perch) Perca_fluviatillis (European_Perch) Actinopterygii_Perciformes_Pomacentridae Abudefduf_sordidus (Hawaii_Blackspot_Sergeant) Abudefduf_abdominalis (Green_Damselfish) Abudefduf_saxatilis (Sergeant_Major) Abudefduf_sexfasciatus (Scissortail_Sergeant) Chromis_chromis (Damselfish) Stegastes_adustus (Dusky_Damselfish) Stegastes_leucostictus (Beaugregory) Stegastes_marginatus (Hawaiian_Gregory) Actinopterygii_Perciformes_Pomatomidae Pomatomus_saltatrix (Bluefish) Actinopterygii_Perciformes_Scaridae Sparisomatinae Sparisoma_cretense_Parrotfish Actinopterygii_Perciformes_Sciaenidae Aplodinotus_grunniens (Freshwater_Drum) Cynoscion_arenarius (Sand_Weakfish) Cynoscion_nebulosus (Spotted_Weakfish) Cynoscion_parvipinnis (Shortfin_Weakfish) Genyonemus_lineatus (White_Croaker) Menticirrhus_americanus (Southern_Kingcroaker) Menticirrhus_littoralis (Gulf_Kingcroaker) Pogonias_cromis (Black_Drum) Sciaenops_ocellatus (Red_Drum) Seriphus_politus (Queen_Croaker) Umbrina_broussonnetii (Striped_Drum) Actinopterygii_Perciformes_Scombridae Scombrinae Katsuwonus_pelamis (Skipjack_Tuna) Thunnus_albacares (Yellowfin_Tuna) Scomber_japonicus (Chub_Mackerel) Actinopterygii_Perciformes_Serranidae Epinephelinae Cephalopholis_angus (Peacock_Hind) Epinephelus_morio (Red_Grouper) Mycteroperca_microlepis (Gag_Grouper) Serraninae Centropristis_striata (Black_Seabass) Paralabrax_clathratus (Kelp_Bass) Paralabrax_maculatofasciatus (Spotted_Sand_Bass) Paralabrax_nebulifer (Bay_Sand_Bass) Serranus_cabrilla (Comber) Serranus_scriba (Painted_Comber) Actinopterygii_Perciformes_Siganidae Siganus_canaliculatus (White_Spotted_Spinefoot) Actinopterygii_Perciformes_Sillaginidae Sillago_vittata (Banded_Sillago) Actinopterygii_Perciformes_Sparidae Archosargus_probatocephalus (Sheepshead) Boops_boops (Bogue) Calamus_proridens (Littlehead_Porgy) Diplodus_annularis (Annular_Seabream) Lagondon_rhomboides (Pinfish) Stenotomus_chrysops (Scup) Actinopterygii_Perciformes_Sphyraenidae Sphyraena_argentea (Pacific_Barracuda) Sphyraena_barracuda (Great_Barracuda) Actinopterygii_Perciformes_Terapontidae Terapon_jarbua (Jarbua_Terapon) Actinopterygii_Perciformes_Toxotidae Toxotes_jaculatrix (Banded_Archerfish) Actinopterygii_Pleuronectiformes_Paralichthyidae Citharichthys_sordidus (Pacific_Sanddab) Actinopterygii_Pleuronectiformes_Paralichthyidae Paralichthys_albigutta (Gulf_Flounder) Paralichthys_californicus (California_Halibut) Actinopterygii_Pleuronectiformes_Pleuronectidae Pleuronectinae Parophrys_vetulus (English_Sole) Actinopterygii_Salmoniformes_Salmonidae Coregoninae Coregonus_artedi (Cisco) Coregonus_clupeaformis (Lake_Whitefish) Prosopium_williamsoni (Rocky_Mountain_Whitefish) Salmoninae Oncorhynchus_clarki_clarki (Coastal_Cutthroat_Trout) * Subspecies #1 Oncorhynchus_clarki_lewisi (Westslope_Cutthroat_Trout) * Subspecies #2…counted as 1 species only Oncorhynchus_gorbuscha (Pink_Salmon) Oncorhynchus_keta (Chum_Salmon) Oncorhynchus_kisutch (Coho_Salmon) Oncorhynchus_mykiss (Rainbow_Trout) Oncorhynchus_tshawytscha (Chinook_Salmon) Salmo_salar (Atlantic_Salmon) Salmo_trutta (Brown_Trout) Salvelinus_confluentus (Bull_Trout) Salvelinus_fontinalis (Brook_Trout) Salvelinus_malma (Dolly_Varden) Salvelinus_namaycush (Lake_Trout) Thymallinae Thymallus_arcticus (Arctic_Grayling) Actinopterygii_Scorpaeniformes_Cottidae Cottus_asper (Prickly_Sculpin) Leptocottus_armatus (Pacific_Staghorn_Sculpin) Actinopterygii_Scorpaeniformes_Scorpaenidae Scorpaena_guttata (California_Scorpionfish) Actinopterygii_Scorpaeniformes_Sebastidae Sebastinae Sebastes_auriculatus (Brown_Rockfish) Sebastes_marmoratus (False_Kelpfish) Actinopterygii_Siluriformes_Ariidae Ariopsis_felis (Hardhead_Sea_Catfish) Bagre_marinus (Gafftopsail_Sea_Catfish) Actinopterygii_Siluriformes_Ictaluridae Ameiurus_melas (Black_Bullhead) Ameiurus_nebulosus (Brown_Bullhead) Ictalurus_punctatus (Channel_Catfish) Noturus_flavus (Stonecat) Actinopterygii_Siluriformes_Pangasiidae Pangasianodon_gigas (Mekong_Giant_Catfish) Actinopterygii_Siluriformes_Pimelodidae Phractocephalus_hemioliopterus (Redtail_Catfish) Actinopterygii_Syngnathiformes_Fistulariidae Fistularia_commersonii (Bluespotted_Cornetfish) Actinopterygii_Tetraodontiformes_Tetraodontidae Arothron_hispidus (White_Spotted_Puffer) Canthigaster_rostrata (Caribbean_Sharpnose_Puffer) Sphoeroides_maculatus (Northern_Puffer) Torquigener_pleurogramma (Weeping_Toado) Elasmobranchii_Carcharhiniformes_Carcharhinidae Carcharhinus_brachyurus (Copper_Shark) Elasmobranchii_Squaliformes_Squalidae Squalus_acanthias (Picked_Dogfish) Malama o ke kai Caution - Objects in picture are smaller than they appear. I am genetically predisposed to make fish look bigger. Life List: 577 species and counting (2016: 91 new species) http://muskiebaitadventures.blogspot.ca/...-list.html |
The following 1 user says Thank You to MuskieBait for this post: Magikarp (06-02-2012) |
04-18-2012, 11:06 PM
Post: #2
RE: Epic fish porn [Picture X-Heavy]
im speechless
04-18-2012, 11:18 PM
Post: #3
RE: Epic fish porn [Picture X-Heavy]
well done young man! thank for your snow and tell (I like the white_sturgeon)
Thanks |
04-19-2012, 01:52 PM
Post: #4
RE: Epic fish porn [Picture X-Heavy]
Thats a really impressive album.......... great stuff. Thanks for sharing.
Were all caught by angling with hook and line? The pompano included looks a bit different than those I'm used to catching in Florda - is it a different related species? Regards, OldTimer <>< I once gave up fishing. It was the most terrifying weekend of my life. ><> See you on the river. |
04-19-2012, 02:02 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-19-2012 02:04 PM by MuskieBait.)
Post: #5
RE: Epic fish porn [Picture X-Heavy]
Hi OldTimer,
Yes, they are all hook and line captures. It must also be a fair hooked fish (no snagging or lining). The pompano is indeed a different (but related) species from on the ones in Florida. That one was caught in the Mediterranean Sea in Greece. It is just a 3" juvenile. The adults resembles much closer to the Florida pompano but with longer body, shorter dorsal and anal fins, but longer caudal fins. I would love to catch a pompano from Florida one day...the timing was just bad last April when I was there...and the weather never cooperated. Malama o ke kai Caution - Objects in picture are smaller than they appear. I am genetically predisposed to make fish look bigger. Life List: 577 species and counting (2016: 91 new species) http://muskiebaitadventures.blogspot.ca/...-list.html |
04-19-2012, 02:23 PM
Post: #6
RE: Epic fish porn [Picture X-Heavy]
April can be good - but I've found mid May and early November better on the East Coast.
But yes... the weather can really shoot down surf fishing plans real quick if going for Pompano. Not a spectacular fight,... and they really arent that big...... but they are my #1 favourite on the table,...... meat is quite dense, mild, and sweet. In Florida - the only way you get to eat one- is if it was caught on hook and line. Netting is illegal, fish sold in restaurants and fresh fish shops are all purchased from local surf fisherman. Cheers, OldTimer <>< I once gave up fishing. It was the most terrifying weekend of my life. ><> See you on the river. |
04-19-2012, 02:43 PM
Post: #7
RE: Epic fish porn [Picture X-Heavy]
Thanks OldTimer! I'll have to time my next trip better. My last trip was a business trip to attend a conference, so I had little choice. My next trip will be a personal trip, so I hope to maybe visit again this late October or early November. I hope to get into some Spanish Mackerel as well...they have thus far got off my hook twice! I came very close last April in Florida...
I love pompano. I buy them frozen from supermarket, which I think are farmed fish from Asia. They are not exactly the same species but very similar. I love to leave the skin on and there is that nice, rich oil in them, especially near the belly and fins...MMM...mouth watering just thinking about it! Pompano like it rougher with a SE wind I heard...and unfortunately, I had a few calm days with a NW wind while I was there...so the beach was complete flat. Hopefully next trip I can find them. There are also a whole sort of freshwater species I want to catch...both native and exotic. Malama o ke kai Caution - Objects in picture are smaller than they appear. I am genetically predisposed to make fish look bigger. Life List: 577 species and counting (2016: 91 new species) http://muskiebaitadventures.blogspot.ca/...-list.html |
04-19-2012, 03:08 PM
Post: #8
RE: Epic fish porn [Picture X-Heavy]
Yep - slightly offshore winds, a medium size surf (but not crazy), and a changing tide all help.
They are after the sea fleas stirred up by the turbulence on the shoreline sand. (the best bait, or 2nd is cut clams) A six pack of Coors helps too............. and some Fritos....... and dip........... smile Cheers, OldTimer <>< I once gave up fishing. It was the most terrifying weekend of my life. ><> See you on the river. |
04-19-2012, 10:36 PM
Post: #9
RE: Epic fish porn [Picture X-Heavy]
My mind is blown! This post is a complete inspiration It demonstrates that there's a whole world out there waiting for us to take action!
04-19-2012, 10:54 PM
Post: #10
RE: Epic fish porn [Picture X-Heavy]
(04-19-2012 10:36 PM)MichaelAngelo Wrote: My mind is blown! This post is a complete inspiration It demonstrates that there's a whole world out there waiting for us to take action! This is really just the tip of the iceberg! FishBase has over 32,300 species of fish in its database. There are many, many more species to catch in the world. I am working hard to hit #323...so at least I would have caught about 1% of the fish species...and if I make it my life mission, it would be totally cool to catch 3230 species to make that 10% of fish species. But this will not be an easy goal to reach. It will require a lot of money, a lot of sacrifices, a lot of dedication, and a lot of understanding from my future better half Malama o ke kai Caution - Objects in picture are smaller than they appear. I am genetically predisposed to make fish look bigger. Life List: 577 species and counting (2016: 91 new species) http://muskiebaitadventures.blogspot.ca/...-list.html |
The following 1 user says Thank You to MuskieBait for this post: MichaelAngelo (04-19-2012) |
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