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Southern Ontario Fisheries Enhancement Initiative
10-24-2017, 01:53 PM
Post: #1
Southern Ontario Fisheries Enhancement Initiative
New sustainable fishing program. Spread the word. Like us on Facebook!
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10-25-2017, 06:11 AM
Post: #2
RE: Southern Ontario Fisheries Enhancement Initiative
Again I ask:

Is this effort MNR and local government(s) sanctioned and is the idea supported by them?

Is this organization a not for profit organization?

Are contributions tax deductible?

<>< I once gave up fishing. It was the most terrifying weekend of my life. ><>

See you on the river.
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10-26-2017, 02:57 PM
Post: #3
RE: Southern Ontario Fisheries Enhancement Initiative
This is my third attempt at replying to you. I keep getting interrupted and when I get back to it, what I have written to you is gone.

We will follow all laws pertaining to raising, stocking, egg collecting, etc as per MNRF but have not and will not align ourselves with the government. We are currently working with both lower tier (Township) and Mid Tier (County) levels of local government in both tourism an Sustainability related components, all related to fish and fishing. In December whom we are working with will be made public. We are currently working with aggregate producers or old aggregate lands to assess potential, the assessment part as part of a County Initiative.

We are not for profit and aligned with another not for profit. We only operate with public/corporate donations.
In 2018 we will be installing two new hatcheries (one for sure as the funding is in place). We want these new hatcheries to be part of the Communith Hatchery Program operated by OFAH on behalf of MNRF. We were offered funding from this program but declined. We will not accept nor waste taxpayers money.
Having looked at your other posts, I'm sure you know where we are coming from. For every $10 we use, 9 of it goes directly into the program. For every dollar of government funds received, it actually cost $10 (paraphrasing here). We cannot be part of this kind of misuse.
We currently do not supply tax receipts but will for certain contributions starting shortly (from local government).
Feel free to fire off more questions. It's my job!
Thanks for caring.
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10-27-2017, 05:38 AM
Post: #4
RE: Southern Ontario Fisheries Enhancement Initiative
Yes, I do care.

And I do like the concept of your quest. Sure beats the pacific salmon program for availability to all anglers.

I do imagine it will not be an easy task going forward, considering how many old quarries, with fish populations, have been posted to prohibit use due to littering, abuse and liability / safety concerns (i.e. the Hagersville and Nanticoke area).

Transparency and openess will be paramount in achieving support and success. Trust is tough to earn these days.

Looking forward to seeing this happen................



<>< I once gave up fishing. It was the most terrifying weekend of my life. ><>

See you on the river.
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10-27-2017, 08:44 AM
Post: #5
RE: Southern Ontario Fisheries Enhancement Initiative
I appreciate your positive comments and also your words of wisdom.
Something that comes with age I suppose, eh Old Timer!

There are obsticles but change is in the air. I am currently doing an inventory to determine potential use of all pits and quarries in Oxford County as part of the Environmental Pilar of the Sustainability Hub the County has recently pledged to undertake. This is over and above the other involvement I alluded to before. We are also working with a major aggregate producer and expect to have the first site under development for 2018.
It will be my pleasure to keep you posted as things progress.

Cheers and happy angling.
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12-02-2017, 07:49 AM
Post: #6
RE: Southern Ontario Fisheries Enhancement Initiative
The ultimate goal

The purpose of the Southern Ontario Fisheries Enhancement Initiative is to create and improve fishing for everyone. Improvements to existing waterbodies or new ones created in pits and quarries, good fishing spots are getting harder and harder to come by and these smaller locations can help fill the void. As most gravel pits are close to populated areas, these can become excellent places to spend the day, teach a child, have great family time, and introduce young people to the sport of fishing. But as stated above, this is something that needs to be available to everyone. Imagine the limitations for people with mobility issues? Fishing opportunities for some are considerably few and far between. Our goal is to change that. Not only will every new location allow for access to those with mobility issues, but at least one location will be created entirely for those with limitations. Not being limited to one small corner, a fisherman will be able to move around and try various spots due to the installation of fishing platforms, specially designed water edges, on-site strategically placed fishing chairs and more. A place where fly-fishing, casting, bait-fishing and ice fishing is made available to everyone, regardless of circumstance.
This is the ultimate goal.
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