Yes It is not pleasant, I dont know why the Citizens of markham want to "KEEP" the pond...
You would have noticed the water level is down about 2 feet wich will create a colder water system and help the fish species, if we do not get rain for 2-3 weeks the pond will be almost a river the way the fishway is opened right now.. last friday we had some rain and it filled the pond, the water is clearer and claener than it was even 2 weeks ago...
And to stop all confusion...
the sign suggests no fishing 25 yards, downstream from dam...
which would be near 75 feet, sorry do not know why I thought it was closer to the number 150 feet.
But that wire hole would be closer to 150 feet either way....
there are Rainbow trout above the 6 pound mark in the milne that are stuck there right now, as they are unable to progress downstream.....
It has been windy, you cannot see a real good fly hatch on the water, but when the winds are calm you will see that hatch and you will see the rainbows jumping. I saw one bow jump today only about 6-8 pounds, but they are there...
People always call me crazy when i talk about fish, but I wouldnt open my mouth unless i thought I knew what I was talking about, and yes there are still migratory trout in milne pond that are trying to find their way back down to lake ontario...
i went to frenchmans bay at 7:30 this morning and met a friend to take his boat out,
we fished from 40 fow water, and didnt mark anything until we found 230 fow...
marked tonnes of fish between 230 nd 260 foot of water.
got two bows and one chinook salmon while trolling out there..
With the winds that kind of fishing is not for the faint of heart...
it was cold i had to wear two sweaters and my winter jacket just to survive....
those Bows are in milne, you may not easily catch them from shore when to water level is high, but if the water level drops much further milne will turn into a river and it's Game on
