I see that a lot of members are catching Rainbow Trout and SteelHeads. Can anyone suggest where I can try to fish for these? And what bait I should use?
Unfortunately, you're a little late...better go next year. Most of the run is done and the remaining fish are extremely line shy. You'll have a very tough time hooking up right now.
you can catch young resident rainbow trout at toogood pond and north..
and the stretch from woodbine and 16th north into richmond hill at majormack and leslie..
a great area round there was an old golf course that is now owned by the city of markham, almost a public park... "ALMOST"
you will notice some really nice ponds that are full of fish and ready to be fished for some "Trophies", before they all get destroyed by development
a very clean looking river.
far enough north you will find some brook trout... good luck...
you can also find resident rainbow trout on the little rouge river in markham....
You're right, I forgot about the resident fish.
However, I don't know if you can call them resident sometimes...or if you consider them juvenile steelhead. I consider them juvenile steelhead and try not to catch them, especially with bait when they can be deep hooked.
Killed too many rainbow and salmon smolts in the last two weeks...don't feel like killing more before they have a chance to get to the lake to grown up.
How big are these "resident" trout?
The areas that you mentioned look like they could be private property/farm land. I don't mind doing the legwork, but I don't want to get shot or have guard dogs biting my ass, because I'm trespassing. LOL!
I caught them from 4" to 1lb. Lots of them in the 7" range in the fall while salmon fishing as well. They are ravenous for salmon roe bags...which is pretty sad since they often take the roe bags pretty deep and they bleed badly, belly up and wash downstream.
If you really want to try for them, Oshawa Creek and Bowmanville Creek usually have some deeper holes at the lower stretches closer to the lake that may hold a few stragglers late into the season, or try large rivers like lower Credit River around the Erindale Park area. The bigger the river and the deep the pools, the more potential it has for late season steelhead. Steelhead need cool and oxygenated water. As late spring turns into early summer and the river gets shallower and warmer, deep pools with a decent current or deep runs will be the best bet.
My first ever steelhead was caught last Sunday of May at the pool above Streetville Dam...on a 1" chunk of worm after I missed the hit from the previous drift.
Late season steelhead is there and catchable...you just have to spend a lot of TIME and be willing to put in the FOOTWORK to cover a lot of stream to find them. Many of the fish will be line shy, and the number of fish are low already, so be prepared for some skunks.
I'm not saying you can't catch them late season...just don't expect to see the number of fish you saw in the report...and it is definitely harder than it looks. A lot of the reports are 1-2 weeks old anyways and a lot had changed in those 2 weeks.
The rouge river is considered a navigatible river, and just walking the Flood banks will prove you are on public land.
Most of the rouge system now is considered public park anyway.
I have mentioned parking can prove to be an issue but if you are looking to get some leg work in. little rogue at 14th and north to just south of the 07 holds resident trout. upto 3-4 pounds, all summer long, that property is owned by the TRCA.
The part north of 16th west of woodbine is owned by the city of markham and has the same and even better perfect conditions for resident rainbow trout, about the 3-4 pound range.
the robinson creek that follows main st markham from hwy 7 north to 16th will also have some resident trout init this year...
Good luck....
Thanks, I may try that area this weekend.
Milne pond is full of rainbow trout, if you have a small boat or canoe, you will have a great time there

(05-10-2013 08:06 PM)Jeremy Ray Green Wrote: [ -> ]Milne pond is full of rainbow trout, if you have a small boat or canoe, you will have a great time there
I don't have one. Can I still catch them from shore? I've been there a few times but have never seen anyone fish there with a boat or canoe, but I did see one man canoeing for exercise, once. I didn't think canoeing or boating was allowed on a small body of water like Milne.