(06-05-2013 04:05 PM)OldTimer Wrote: [ -> ] (06-04-2013 08:21 PM)Eli Wrote: [ -> ]...but you forgot to mention the part where I caught the thief, broke his arms and legs, and left him at the bottom of a ditch.
Catch and Release...............in a way.
So is butchering, skinning and then dipping into hot oil...I'm talking about fish of course...maybe...

Wow i never had a those oportunities. You guys are really hardcore
Nice to see the pics.
Thx jason
Part of my goal here is to expose members to new fishing opportunities...hopefully to try something else other than the common bass, trout, salmon, pike, walleye, carp perch and sunfish. Sure, they are easily accessible and fun, but there are a lot of other species out there that is just as much fun and the fishery is very under utilized.
Obviously, American Shad is actually quite well known in Quebec...but not many Ontario anglers have heard of them or even fished for them (unless you're in Ottawa or Kingston).