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Pages: 1 2
(07-17-2013 03:52 PM)OldTimer Wrote: [ -> ]In fact you need not even catch fish........... reports of a "skunking" are EQUALLY valuable as brilliant success - since they serve to inform others of a low catch % event/location, and thus save others the bother and frustration.

Thanks for that. I was actually going to ask whether one needs to catch to report.
If strike-outs are also valid reports (which I would also find useful) then I do have some of those Big Grin. Now, I am assuming a picture is not required for those as there is nothing to take a picture of. Yes?
Scenery and such are always there................ & always interesting.......

What would you consider as suitable?

........ but MA is the final judge of a worthy "quality" report.............
(07-18-2013 08:00 AM)OldTimer Wrote: [ -> ]What would you consider as suitable?

A suitable report? I think reports where nothing is caught would also useful and informative.
I fish a lot. Like every day practically so i don't think you guys would like it if I spammed the report section lol so my rule is I'll post a report if it's an interesting story or I catch decent fish
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