Hey all,
Now I've finally gotten back into fishing and my gear is quite dated. I'd assume that even one of my reels has 15 year-old line of I don't know what. I was considering buying some new line and was curious if anyone ever tried dollar store fishing line and could share their experience with it.
Have not tried Dollar Store lines.
Line is not where I'll cheap out though...it is what connects you to the fish...getting bad line could result in a lot of heart break...
Trilene XL is only $3.99 for 110 yards...that's about 2 cups of medium Timmy's coffee...really...is that where you want to save money? Just drink two less cups of coffee

(09-08-2013 05:40 PM)MuskieBait Wrote: [ -> ]Have to tried Dollar Store lines.
Line is not where I'll cheap out though...it is what connects you to the fish...getting bad line could result in a lot of heart break...
Trilene XL is only $3.99 for 110 yards...that's about 2 cups of medium Timmy's coffee...really...is there where you want to save money? Just drink two less cups of coffee 
Haha fair enough. In my case, however, the Dollar Store is quite convenient vs. a Canadian Tire, hence the question. Thanks for the reply, however.
Otherwise: should the age of the line matter? It broke off what looked like a 2-3 lbs bass, but I caught another one the next day with the same rig. Lucky fishy?
Go to LeBaron and buy their Suffix LeBaron branded line. I think it's $4 for a big spool. Dirt cheap, good line. Done deal.
LeBaron line is good. Didn't know they still have it cheap.
When line gets old, it degrades and becomes inconsistent with tensile strength and knot strength. A few inches of it may be fine, and then the next few inches may snap with very little force. Consistency is important, that's why old line should be changed out.
Depending on how often you fish and how good you take care of the line, it could last from 1-2 years to about 3-4 years max. Heavier line may be a bit more forgiving, but light lines will definitely show you that they are old (snaps easy, especially when tying knots). Sun (UV), heat and even sand, mud and grime can degrade line. So it is important to keep reels out of the sun and in cool places if you want the lines to last.
Sometimes, line can wear from usage (abrasion from sand, mud, gravel, rock, wood...etc) and the stretch of line closest to the hook/lure usually gets most wear. That could also explain why you may snap a fish off one day but land a fish the next day...simply that the weakened section of line had already been removed by the snap off.
I've had a friend tell me about his experience with the line. He was not pleased with it at all. He lost a 1.5 lb Bass due to a break off with it and I believe it's rated at like 6 lb test, not very reliable line.
(09-08-2013 05:40 PM)MuskieBait Wrote: [ -> ]Have not tried Dollar Store lines.
Line is not where I'll cheap out though...it is what connects you to the fish...getting bad line could result in a lot of heart break...
I also have not tried them.
However I agree that this is not the area to cheap out, and for sure not the retailer to use re fishing line.