Hi everybody, just found this site, I live in Ajax and don't own a boat, looking for good places to shore fish in an 1-1/2 to 2 hr radius of Ajax.
Species doesn't matter, I just enjoy putting a hook in the water.
Where are you from and what kind of fishing experience do you have?
Hi Gerry,
Welcome to OSF.
A majority of the members here are from the GTA, and relatively close by communities.
I'm sure you'll find some info in past posts, and ongoing conversations that will aid in your quest.
East towards any of the kawartha lakes is your best bet for good fishing spots.
Welcome Gerry,
look around for ponds around your home and general area, almost all of them have fish in them, if you have any ponds around you go and give them a shot. Very basic gear is all you'll need, if you need anymore help let me know.
You don't have to go far from Ajax at all. The various rivers of Durham Region have runs of steelhead in the spring and salmon in the fall, and some have resident brook trout in their upper reaches. The trout/salmon season of course is only the 4th saturday of April through Sept 30, but rainbows, browns and pacifics have an extended fall season in Durham south of Kingston Rd and a year-round season south of the railway... not sure if there would be anything running there now though.
If you're looking for pike, bass and panfish that you could go after now, try just about any of the harbours/lagoons/marinas along the GTA's Lake Ontario shoreline. Frenchman's Bay is popular, though I haven't figured out a good way to fish it from shore. I like Bluffer's Park in Scarborough.
Thanks everybody for all your help and advice,thinking of trying Rice Lake this weekend,have heard it's decent.
I live nowhere near you but I'd also suggest checking google maps around your area and looking for bodies of water. You can try street viewing them as well to save you some gas

(10-15-2013 08:47 AM)Gerry Fisher Wrote: [ -> ]Hi everybody, just found this site, I live in Ajax and don't own a boat, looking for good places to shore fish in an 1-1/2 to 2 hr radius of Ajax.
Species doesn't matter, I just enjoy putting a hook in the water.
Hi Gerry check out : Fish online Ontario great site lots of info .....