Ontario Shore Fishing Forum

Full Version: Final Standings for the 2013 Multi-Species Challenge - Congrats Giuga10!
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I do agree that the upload image function of this sub directory threads stopped working a while back - but external links continued to work okay.

Going forward....

....... I agree that the use of a badge really isn't necessary for a "fun" contest such as this........ and yes it will help get the entries made numbers up for everyone (including myself)....... and it will possibly allow "in-water" photographs that further speed the release cycle if you don't need to net or hand-land the fish (however clear photos for proper positive ID should remain mandatory).

We should consider other possible contest types to supplement this "species count" theme. This may also increase participation as some fish may be entered in several different competitions. We must realize that not all anglers are into species counting.

I also propose that direct upload & linked jpeg/bitmap/png picture file size be limited, (both here and in the entire board), to speed download times for the many and remove the need for the system to shrink the pics on the fly - which takes further durations.


(01-08-2014 11:14 AM)MichaelAngelo Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah OT's greater redhorse was a nice treat. I still haven't caught a greater redhorse before.

I know a place that's infested with them!. And they will strike on swimbaits!!

Also, i hope the forum does another species challenge this year, I would have joined in but I wasn't focused so much on species hunting last summer. But this year I am out to catch those species that I have neglected for too long. Yesterday I got off to a good start by catching my first lake trout and white fish!

Reading MuskieBait's blogs on species hunting is very inspiring
You're on the right track, mcfly. The important word is "focused". Species hunting isn't something that you do casually if you want to do it well. You need to read lots and learn about the target species you are after and put a solid effort to chase them.

But you caught your first laker and whitie already and that's is certainly a good start.

Wish you well this year on your species hunting. The reason I post so much about species hunting here and on my blog is to inspire others to do the same. Smile
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