Just about a week ago, the bail spring of my Pfleuger Supreme broke.
I opened up the bail trip/spring mechanism to find a broken bail spring. I removed the broken bits and used two pairs of pliers to stretch out the remaining spring.
Should work for now!
These Pflueger isn't what they were in the past...so sad
My Pflueger Trion and Solara is going past 10 years and only recently do I need a part replaced. But I've read stories about recent Pfluegers short lifespan.
A good spring cost just a few cents more...I wish companies wouldn't cut cost on such a simple and cheap piece as the bail spring.
I would definitely suggest getting a new bail spring. This impromptu fix isn't going to last long. Make sure you grease that spring properly since water intrusion could lead to corrosion and eventual breakage. The bail mechanism is not waterproof so grease is your best friend here.
Thanks for the reply Ken, yeah I'm ordering a new spring this is just a temporary fix to get me by.
I'm quite disappointed in the reel. It's about a year old and already needed a new drag knob, and now a new bail spring. That's seriously wrong.
If it wasn't light as a feather it would be gone. It's just too light to toss aside

There was a time when better reels had two bail springs........... and would operate quite well should one break.