Hey guys, as the 2014 season has just wrapped up I'd like to congratulate Muskiebait for winning with a total of 47 species.
It was a great competition with Michaelangelo coming in second with Eli as a close third.
Here's to another great year of tight lines.
And thanks to everyone who contributed.
Way to go Ken! Even with an academically shortened season/
Congratulations to all............ and thanks to everyone for sharing your angling adventures.
Ken's da man!
I do wish more people had participated, but yeah, it was fun.
Thanks guys. It was fun

Got a few new species in the process too.
I do have to say that one species should be disqualified...the Redside Dace, for the reason that it is a locally endangered species and it is a closed season. I should not have even entered it in the first place, but I used the post as a way to keep track of Ontario species I've caught this year...so it was there but should not be a contest entry.
Eli, you put in a very admirable effort. Total respect, especially from the area you were fishing from.