I just today received an email request to fill out a new city of Toronto survey………….and I sadly note that once again Toronto’s “Parks, Forestry and Recreation” department ignores the existence of anglers and their significant use of its controlled lands.Both its website and this very recent survey (see website) form for their “Facilities Master Plan” omits fishing and angling completely.
Like really………………….. they seem to be slipping back a few years in attitude re anglers.
I would note that one question in the survey form does ask what “other” outdoor activities you do in Toronto parks. I’d suggest we all fill out the survey and indicate angling ……… and express disappointment in it being omitted in the plan.
I also noted that this webpage did not list or mention angling (at all) at any park including the Toronto Islands.
Yeah, it's unfortunate. Especially seeing as how Toronto definitely has more anglers than bocce and pickleball (whatever that is) players.
Don't even get me started...Toronto Parks and Recs has always been a struggle when it comes to fishing topics...
(12-09-2015 08:46 PM)MuskieBait Wrote: [ -> ]Don't even get me started...Toronto Parks and Recs has always been a struggle when it comes to fishing topics...
I sent off this email to Paula Fletcher at city hall today:
Good day,
Thanks for keeping me up to date, much appreciated. Of course I will fill out the survey.
I would point out however that this Master Plan makes no mention of angling. This I find quite unacceptable as I believe you might - considering your recent past championing of fishing opportunities (with your Gone Fishing proposals at City Hall).
I further note that the Park’s website, that this survey is available at, does not list angling at any in of its parks - including Toronto island. We both know this is incorrect. Anglers are a significant group of park users, tax payers, and voters.
It seems apparent that the personal negative opinions of someone within Parks management may once again be culminating in the unfair segregation and persecution of anglers and our gentle pastime. We are no different from dog walkers or picnic’ers,….etc…. and should be treated equally with similar consideration in all things. They are our parks too.
My angling friends and I hope that you will again aid in the correction of this “oversight”. Please expose this misguided agenda and help stop this abuse both now and going forward in time.
Thanks OT!
I will pass that along to TUFA, so we can voice this injustice as well.
Luckily, this "anti-fishing" sentiment isn't there at the (up and coming) Rouge National Urban Park. Good things are underway on that front.

A park staff and I had ran a trial program and she is hoping to expand it in the future with our help. I can't share anything now since it's all in the developmental stage...but we're working on something.

No problem. Anglers must reject being ignored and back roomed to maintain our status and equal rights.
Councillor Fletcher's office has forwarded my concerns to the Park's department as so:
" Mr. xxxxxxxx has written to Councillor Paula Fletcher indicating that there is no mention of angling in the Parks, Forestry, & Recreation Master Plan nor on the Parks' website (see attached). As you may know Councillor Fletcher has been a longtime friend to recreational fishing in our city. She would appreciate if staff would look into these omissions."
Thanks Paula!
Good job OldTimer.
I filled out the survey and I hope everybody does too.
Update on this - Got this email today:
In a roundabout way this email has arrived onto my portfolio. I want to assure you that in addition to the City of Toronto being recognized as an outstanding fishing location we also continue to work with our partners at the TRCA to expand opportunities.
We have continually stressed improving fish habitat and are continuing to work to install an increasing number of fishing nodes over the next few years to increase access and continue to support the fishing community.
Thanks for your feedback
James Dann
Waterfront Parks Manager