01-02-2016, 09:25 PM
Well, another year, another Christmas spent in Florida.
I had not plan for this trip. Elijah emailed me in the fall to inform me he was going to Florida for Christmas and he need fishing info. Soon, I jumped on when Michael could take time off work to join me. George was snowbirding in Florida so he planned to join us for a few days in the Keys, and we roped in my friend Bartek as well for his first real Florida fishing experience.
I had high hopes to add a number of new species, but both weather and our group wish had me scratched out a number of new species opportunities. Still, I managed to catch 8 new species from Florida. It was no small feat since I had already caught 103 new species previous from Florida, plus another 50+ saltwater species from the Western Atlantic Ocean from different states and countries.
Although the new species additions were low by my standard, the quality made up for it. The species I managed to add were very, very cool!
Spotted Scorpionfish (Scorpaena plumieri) - Species #477
![[Image: IMG_5912_post.jpg]](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-VsO2QwTGVNM/VoYBKMM8o0I/AAAAAAAAHm0/CdCQGx6IDZ8/s640/IMG_5912_post.jpg)
Spotted Trunkfish (Lactophrys bicaudalis) - Species #478
![[Image: IMG_5953_post.jpg]](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-dggrwCnIBIY/VobjJO0cmeI/AAAAAAAAHnY/tfWrLnQe0vk/s640/IMG_5953_post.jpg)
Grey Angelfish (Pomacanthus arcuatus) - Species #479!!!
![[Image: IMG_5982_post.jpg]](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-EWofGh_9KOI/VoblOVD_jiI/AAAAAAAAHns/jq6wXVz3rIo/s640/IMG_5982_post.jpg)
Hardhead Silverside (Atherinomorus stipes) - Species #480
![[Image: IMG_6002_post.jpg]](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-NdJDI3bUOEY/VocuAejv6yI/AAAAAAAAHoI/rLQzG4BnnE8/s640/IMG_6002_post.jpg)
Red Lionfish (Pterois volitans) - Species #481!
![[Image: IMG_6048_post.jpg]](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-3bNuiLyeFao/VogoJ2G0ciI/AAAAAAAAHp4/4HENZg5HN68/s640/IMG_6048_post.jpg)
Ocean Surgeonfish (Acanthurus bahianus) - Species #482
![[Image: IMG_6072_post.jpg]](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-DtW4ci4PE7I/VogxkWvn1bI/AAAAAAAAHqQ/cqfit4HaouM/s640/IMG_6072_post.jpg)
Irish Mojarra (Diapterus auratus) - Species #483
![[Image: IMG_6117_post.jpg]](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-jYamAzZtrVQ/VohW1GA1o_I/AAAAAAAAHqk/9aCJ80b-Frk/s640/IMG_6117_post.jpg)
Atlantic Stingray (Dasyatis sabina) - Species #484
![[Image: IMG_6150_post.jpg]](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-QdFcAwa6avs/VohmIzBNTTI/AAAAAAAAHrE/w5h2n8jPwvA/s640/IMG_6150_post.jpg)
I also caught a personal best Red Grouper. It was most likely an inch longer than the legal keeper minimum length of 20", but we didn't have a ruler on board and we didn't want to risk keeping a barely legal fish, so we sent it back to the reef.
![[Image: IMG_6617_post.jpg]](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-khGBL0TPIV4/VodFvC3ySrI/AAAAAAAAHos/EPxM2MhZiTQ/s640/IMG_6617_post.jpg)
Aside for the new species, I caught another 40+ species. I only photograph a fish if I needed better pictures for my life list, or if I happened to catch something rare or cool. The usual Grunts, Jacks, Snappers and such are not that cool anymore. Here are some addition "cool" species that were on my camera.
![[Image: IMG_5899_post.jpg]](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-GkDeUwEbn6w/VoXuXe2BPII/AAAAAAAAHmM/bUk2xWn1BBc/s640/IMG_5899_post.jpg)
Puddingwife Wrasse
![[Image: IMG_5933_post.jpg]](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-FwTP8ezzGHY/VobgqtGomiI/AAAAAAAAHnM/6Kc--OZLlS4/s640/IMG_5933_post.jpg)
Blue Parrotfish
![[Image: IMG_5969_post.jpg]](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-QyxOpL0_rHs/VobkEOdDwyI/AAAAAAAAHng/W5SvwWUACCg/s640/IMG_5969_post.jpg)
![[Image: IMG_6006_post.jpg]](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-pXGQepGF1fM/VodEBLCZZwI/AAAAAAAAHog/8GsLor8qinI/s640/IMG_6006_post.jpg)
Sand Perch
![[Image: IMG_6008_post.jpg]](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-PHOfQWGizWc/VodHxhlqR3I/AAAAAAAAHo4/zFzFP5u0x-g/s640/IMG_6008_post.jpg)
Grass Porgy
![[Image: IMG_6018_post.jpg]](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-AOor0bYDVMM/VodLlI-vMqI/AAAAAAAAHpE/0fL4jwpxecU/s640/IMG_6018_post.jpg)
Blackear Wrasse
![[Image: IMG_6035_post.jpg]](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-0WOGKxDHq2U/VogWoT2BI1I/AAAAAAAAHpY/02O6lXmUejg/s640/IMG_6035_post.jpg)
Grey Triggerfish
![[Image: IMG_6044_post.jpg]](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-y3rpn01W26w/Voghskk7dCI/AAAAAAAAHpo/uvdn5H1Etz0/s640/IMG_6044_post.jpg)
Oyster Toadfish
![[Image: IMG_6128_post.jpg]](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-QpbiqOP7rec/VohhWG7GuZI/AAAAAAAAHq0/23Pf3l31ju0/s640/IMG_6128_post.jpg)
Overall, it was a great trip to Florida that I got to spend with great friends and family. Elijah and I are already talking about Florida Christmas 2016! :lol:
And for your reading pleasure...
I had not plan for this trip. Elijah emailed me in the fall to inform me he was going to Florida for Christmas and he need fishing info. Soon, I jumped on when Michael could take time off work to join me. George was snowbirding in Florida so he planned to join us for a few days in the Keys, and we roped in my friend Bartek as well for his first real Florida fishing experience.
I had high hopes to add a number of new species, but both weather and our group wish had me scratched out a number of new species opportunities. Still, I managed to catch 8 new species from Florida. It was no small feat since I had already caught 103 new species previous from Florida, plus another 50+ saltwater species from the Western Atlantic Ocean from different states and countries.
Although the new species additions were low by my standard, the quality made up for it. The species I managed to add were very, very cool!
Spotted Scorpionfish (Scorpaena plumieri) - Species #477
![[Image: IMG_5912_post.jpg]](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-VsO2QwTGVNM/VoYBKMM8o0I/AAAAAAAAHm0/CdCQGx6IDZ8/s640/IMG_5912_post.jpg)
Spotted Trunkfish (Lactophrys bicaudalis) - Species #478
![[Image: IMG_5953_post.jpg]](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-dggrwCnIBIY/VobjJO0cmeI/AAAAAAAAHnY/tfWrLnQe0vk/s640/IMG_5953_post.jpg)
Grey Angelfish (Pomacanthus arcuatus) - Species #479!!!
![[Image: IMG_5982_post.jpg]](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-EWofGh_9KOI/VoblOVD_jiI/AAAAAAAAHns/jq6wXVz3rIo/s640/IMG_5982_post.jpg)
Hardhead Silverside (Atherinomorus stipes) - Species #480
![[Image: IMG_6002_post.jpg]](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-NdJDI3bUOEY/VocuAejv6yI/AAAAAAAAHoI/rLQzG4BnnE8/s640/IMG_6002_post.jpg)
Red Lionfish (Pterois volitans) - Species #481!
![[Image: IMG_6048_post.jpg]](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-3bNuiLyeFao/VogoJ2G0ciI/AAAAAAAAHp4/4HENZg5HN68/s640/IMG_6048_post.jpg)
Ocean Surgeonfish (Acanthurus bahianus) - Species #482
![[Image: IMG_6072_post.jpg]](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-DtW4ci4PE7I/VogxkWvn1bI/AAAAAAAAHqQ/cqfit4HaouM/s640/IMG_6072_post.jpg)
Irish Mojarra (Diapterus auratus) - Species #483
![[Image: IMG_6117_post.jpg]](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-jYamAzZtrVQ/VohW1GA1o_I/AAAAAAAAHqk/9aCJ80b-Frk/s640/IMG_6117_post.jpg)
Atlantic Stingray (Dasyatis sabina) - Species #484
![[Image: IMG_6150_post.jpg]](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-QdFcAwa6avs/VohmIzBNTTI/AAAAAAAAHrE/w5h2n8jPwvA/s640/IMG_6150_post.jpg)
I also caught a personal best Red Grouper. It was most likely an inch longer than the legal keeper minimum length of 20", but we didn't have a ruler on board and we didn't want to risk keeping a barely legal fish, so we sent it back to the reef.
![[Image: IMG_6617_post.jpg]](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-khGBL0TPIV4/VodFvC3ySrI/AAAAAAAAHos/EPxM2MhZiTQ/s640/IMG_6617_post.jpg)
Aside for the new species, I caught another 40+ species. I only photograph a fish if I needed better pictures for my life list, or if I happened to catch something rare or cool. The usual Grunts, Jacks, Snappers and such are not that cool anymore. Here are some addition "cool" species that were on my camera.
![[Image: IMG_5899_post.jpg]](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-GkDeUwEbn6w/VoXuXe2BPII/AAAAAAAAHmM/bUk2xWn1BBc/s640/IMG_5899_post.jpg)
Puddingwife Wrasse
![[Image: IMG_5933_post.jpg]](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-FwTP8ezzGHY/VobgqtGomiI/AAAAAAAAHnM/6Kc--OZLlS4/s640/IMG_5933_post.jpg)
Blue Parrotfish
![[Image: IMG_5969_post.jpg]](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-QyxOpL0_rHs/VobkEOdDwyI/AAAAAAAAHng/W5SvwWUACCg/s640/IMG_5969_post.jpg)
![[Image: IMG_6006_post.jpg]](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-pXGQepGF1fM/VodEBLCZZwI/AAAAAAAAHog/8GsLor8qinI/s640/IMG_6006_post.jpg)
Sand Perch
![[Image: IMG_6008_post.jpg]](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-PHOfQWGizWc/VodHxhlqR3I/AAAAAAAAHo4/zFzFP5u0x-g/s640/IMG_6008_post.jpg)
Grass Porgy
![[Image: IMG_6018_post.jpg]](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-AOor0bYDVMM/VodLlI-vMqI/AAAAAAAAHpE/0fL4jwpxecU/s640/IMG_6018_post.jpg)
Blackear Wrasse
![[Image: IMG_6035_post.jpg]](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-0WOGKxDHq2U/VogWoT2BI1I/AAAAAAAAHpY/02O6lXmUejg/s640/IMG_6035_post.jpg)
Grey Triggerfish
![[Image: IMG_6044_post.jpg]](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-y3rpn01W26w/Voghskk7dCI/AAAAAAAAHpo/uvdn5H1Etz0/s640/IMG_6044_post.jpg)
Oyster Toadfish
![[Image: IMG_6128_post.jpg]](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-QpbiqOP7rec/VohhWG7GuZI/AAAAAAAAHq0/23Pf3l31ju0/s640/IMG_6128_post.jpg)
Overall, it was a great trip to Florida that I got to spend with great friends and family. Elijah and I are already talking about Florida Christmas 2016! :lol:
And for your reading pleasure...