Wondering can you buy the outdoor card and fishing licence permit for someone else if using your own creditcard or does the name on the outdoor card/lic have to match my creditcard?
Looking to gift the gift of tight lines.
(05-02-2016 01:50 PM)Aquaneko Wrote: [ -> ]Wondering can you buy the outdoor card and fishing licence permit for someone else if using your own creditcard or does the name on the outdoor card/lic have to match my creditcard?
Looking to gift the gift of tight lines.
I think you can purchase the card and license for someone else. I know friends who purchase licenses online for their children who are 16 and over but not old enough to have their own credit cards.
Only one way to find out

You can do so - I have purchased outdoors cards, licences and such for my lovely lady and several other family members on line.