Ontario Shore Fishing Forum

Full Version: Fishing Multi-tool or Pocket Knife
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Sounds like you are rolling the file over the end of the point, or bumping/striking it as you approaching it from that end. Angle should be consistent throughout motion.
I have a leatherman multi-tool which, when I began fishing last year, I found to be useful for hook removal and cutting line. This year I was given a nice set of long-nosed pliers which work even better. I take both with me.
(07-08-2013 09:54 AM)Dennis L. Mitchell Wrote: [ -> ]I have a leatherman multi-tool which, when I began fishing last year, I found to be useful for hook removal and cutting line. This year I was given a nice set of long-nosed pliers which work even better. I take both with me.

Same here, I carried a Leatherman Wingman multi-tool and a nice long-nosed plier from BPS with me. Plus a lip-grip, just in case.
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