I caught these in Algonquin, and just wanted to confirm their identification...
I believe these two here to be blacknose shiner, but I am still unsure:
Unsure on this one:
Yellow perch? Second picture shows number of fin rays...
Smallmouth bass
![[Image: 399437_3247878409698_1238480394_n.jpg]](https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/399437_3247878409698_1238480394_n.jpg)
wow im no expert..but let me give it a try..
the last two seem to me like walleye and smallmouth bass...but ofcourse the younglings..first one i dont know
(07-24-2012 12:30 PM)prime89 Wrote: [ -> ]wow im no expert..but let me give it a try..
the last two seem to me like walleye and smallmouth bass...but ofcourse the younglings..first one i dont know
I got some help for the first 2 on roughfish...
Now I have to learn the difference between the Northern Redbelly Dace, Finescale Dace and Pearl Dace

Glad they can help. I would help but you know I'm kinda busy at the moment.

(07-25-2012 01:41 PM)MuskieBait Wrote: [ -> ]Glad they can help. I would help but you know I'm kinda busy at the moment. 
LOL I can't even begin to imagine... I checked your itinerary yesterday *shocked face*