Hey Folks,
Can anyone provide some names of places that are fishable in/around Brampton area? Here are a few spots I know of (and have tried)...
1) Professors Lake (Bramalea Rd. & Bovaird Rd.)
Species: LMB, Perch, Black Crappie
- The species I've mentioned are confirmed (I've caught them there).
I've heard PIKE is in that lake, but I haven't confirmed that yet.
2) Loafers Lake (Hurontario St. & Sandalwood PRKWY. West)
Species: Black Crappie, Sunfish, LMBass
- Again, The species I've mentioned are confirmed. This is another place I've heard PIKE are in, but haven't confirmed it.
Any other places people have fished that are in/around Brampton? Could you list CONFIRMED SPECIES in that lake as well?
not sure if i should post this, or go into reports

.. but some other areas i know
1) Lake Aquataine (Mississauga - Glen Erin Dr and Battleford (South of Derry Rd))
Confirmed species - Turtle / koi / carp / catfish / sunfish / perch / LMB / Black Crappie.
caught using worms / hotdogs / corn / doughball .. my homemade boilies that i wanted to see how one work (got a catfish, but never caught a carp yet (LOL)).
Not many spots to fish, extremely busy most of the time at the docks. Good for kids as you can just drop a line with hook and worm right in front of you and guarantee instant sunfish... usually really busy with people fishing..
havent really caught anything worth mentioning or taking pics!
2) Norton Park place - havent really tried fishing there yet, just been to the area and seen people fish .. but didnt see anyone catch anything.
Some other sites to help
Not sure if they are both useful, but you can use it as a rough guide on where to go and check out as well :-).
Heart Lake Conservation I guess is a good one, pay for entrace and fishing I think and boat rentals ..
If you can head up hwy 10 into orangeville you can get into island lake. Great LMbass, and panfish fishing and numerous lil Pike (all pike I have caught there were under 24in). Its a conservation area so there is a fee to get in.
Ive also fished Heart lake as a child and caught small rainbow trout (stocked) and LMbass. I haven't been there for a few years so Im not sure how it is now.
If you can come into Mississauga the Credit river will be filled with running salmon in a few weeks. Thats where I will be. If anyone wants to meet up let me know!
Centennial park in etobicoke allows fishing now.
I was only able to get catfish using worms here, but with lures, I got quite a few crappie. There are carp in here as well if you are into carp fishing like a few

Back in the days, there were smallmouths in Lake Aquitaine. My first ever bass caught was a 1lb smallmouth from there. I don't see them or hear of them anymore. I have personally seen smallmouth bass and largemouth bass get up to 3lbs in that lake...but overfishing, decreasing water quality, and introduction of exotic species (goldfish) really killed that lake. It used to be really, really good...some 15 years back.
For a better species list of Lake Aquitaine of fish that I have caught and personally seen...
Largemouth Bass
Smallmouth Bass
Brown Bullhead
Pumpkinseed Sunfish
Bluegill Sunfish
Green Sunfish (yes, they are in there! I caught 2 of them one day!)
Black Crappie
Yellow Perch
Common Carp
** When they used to stock it there were rainbow trout...but they usually cannot survive the high summer water temps. Also heard of the odd brook trout in there...probably an escapee from the stocking. They used to stock it with trout for some kids fishing event back in the days. I would highly doubt there are any trout left.
Now, as for Centennial Park, it also used to be really good back in the days. I went back last year just for a look see and it was depressing.
We used to catch pumpkinseed sunfish as kids until you arm falls off...not so much now. All you find are small stunted brown bullheads. Rather sad really. I did see one dead largemouth bass about 1lb. I'm sure there are some in there...not in the great number as it was in the past. Also, when I was a kid, there were huge carp everywhere. At the time, I wasn't really interested in carp fishing...if only...looking back, I missed a lot of fun carp fishing that could have been. I heard of some small crappies in the pond too but I've never caught any of them myself. My friend and I used to bike from Rathburn and Dixie (where we lived) and fish there all the time...and Etobicoke Creek too (for minnows). Those were the days and the pond used to be great. Sigh...kinda sad thinking about the past sometimes...
Best bet for you is Orangeville Reservior. It is a Conservation Area and you do get checked by Conservation Officers there. So have your license with you at all times and remember catch and size limits. Just a heads up.
I recently went to Professor's Lake and caught some rock bass in pouring rain, the largest was about 7 inches and they were all caught right at the closest dropoff right where the rocks meet the deeper water. They were all caught on waxworms and I noticed once I casted beyond this dropoff roughly 10-15 feet away from the shoreline, there were no bites. Tried casting a Mepps black fury #2 afterwards but no bites on it.
I wonder how the carp are in Centennial Park right now. Sizes. I may have to check it out for myself!
Have been to credit river mouth near the marina has anyone caught anything other than salmon when they starting running in fall? Dont want to waste any more of my time if there is nothing else just checking to see if you guys/gals catch anything...
I will be fishing the credit starting this weekend.....as I heard anglers already taking them off shore..... I go every Sunday morning....if you like we could hook up and fish the banks together
(08-13-2012 12:01 AM)wknd outdoorsman Wrote: [ -> ]If you can head up hwy 10 into orangeville you can get into island lake. Great LMbass, and panfish fishing and numerous lil Pike (all pike I have caught there were under 24in). Its a conservation area so there is a fee to get in.
Ive also fished Heart lake as a child and caught small rainbow trout (stocked) and LMbass. I haven't been there for a few years so Im not sure how it is now.
If you can come into Mississauga the Credit river will be filled with running salmon in a few weeks. Thats where I will be. If anyone wants to meet up let me know!
Norton Place Park is being ruined by people that think it's a free meal. I had to explain to a family of four ("new Canadians") that what they were doing was wrong. They had four buckets filled with at least 50 LMB, Pumpkinseed, Rock Bass and Bluegill. They are not licensed anglers. They were also transporting live fish. They even had the nerve to ask me for my first catch of the day, a 1lb LMB. We need to do something to stop these people from killing off our ponds.