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Full Version: Canal Road; Bradford Fishing
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Hey All,

Was just wondering if anyone has any input on fishing the Holland River? (400 and Canal Road). I've fished there maybe twice in the last 2yrs; and it was within 2 weeks of eachother.

Here are my questions:

1) What species are found in the Canal during Spring? Summer? Fall?
2) I've heard Crappie are in the area during spring; Anyone confirm?
3) What about BASS? SMB or LMB?
4) Pike?

Whatever information I can get about this stretch of water would be much appreciated; My in-laws live pretty close by and I wouldn't mind hitting that place to give it a try.

Thanks Again,
Rob (A2F)
I,fished may be three times
400 and 9 is better spots I believe cause see more fishermans with worms

I was there on SUNDAY from 7:30am until 1:30am...2 pike to show for. 1st weighed in @ 3.30lbs and the 2nd was 1.75lbs.

1st Pike was caught using a live Worm
2nd Pike was caught on using a 3" Storm Wildeye Curly Tail (Chartreuse Colour)
(09-17-2012 03:14 PM)A2F Wrote: [ -> ]UPDATE:

I was there on SUNDAY from 7:30am until 1:30am...2 pike to show for. 1st weighed in @ 3.30lbs and the 2nd was 1.75lbs.

1st Pike was caught using a live Worm
2nd Pike was caught on using a 3" Storm Wildeye Curly Tail (Chartreuse Colour)

Nice catches. I love the thrill of catching a Pike even if there small.

Thanks Giuga.
Yah, regardless if the pike are small or not - as long as it swims - i'll fish for it! Smile

I think next time I head up there - it'll be around spring Smile
Heard there are lots of carp, and big ones too, in there...long time ago...not sure about it now...
Was there last Sunday, got a 3 lbs pike using live worm, and about 15 perches.
(10-04-2012 04:04 PM)jack.liu.80 Wrote: [ -> ]Was there last Sunday, got a 3 lbs pike using live worm, and about 15 perches.

The pike ate all 15 of them!?
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