Okay...let's keep this to Ontario catches.

Largemouth Bass - 4lb
Smallmouth Bass - 17.5", 3lb
Walleye - 26", 7lbs
Northern Pike - 33"
Coho Salmon - 8lbs
Chinook Salmon - 25lb
Steelhead - 7lbs (not my biggest...but close...)
Brown Trout - 29.5"
Common Carp - 34"
Channel Catfish - 27"
Lake Whitefish - 4lb (strangely all of them were the same size. I had one lost at the hole that was an easy 8lbs though...)
Greater Redhorse - probably in that 27-28" range
![[Image: IMG_6102.jpg]](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0903/KenTse/Fishing/IMG_6102.jpg)
Well, after Ken's display of fish porn it's going to be tough to follow up!
Here are my best of 2012, because before 2012 I hadn't caught anything over 1lb

. My first fish over 1lb was a 2-3 lb carp I caught early this year. Thank-you internet forum, fellow members, and free time, because it's been a great year of fishing for me!
As you can tell, I've been forgetting my digital scale at home

Largemouth bass:
Smallmouth bass:
Northern Pike (my second only so far, lots of room to improve

Brook trout:
Rainbow trout (lots of room for improvement

Bluegill (I'm actually very, very proud of this massive bluegill!):
Yellow perch:
Common Carp:
Freshwater Drum (my one and only so far):
Channel Catfish:
![[Image: 528041_3368725950811_1051049066_n.jpg]](https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/s720x720/528041_3368725950811_1051049066_n.jpg)
Yep, that's a white sucker...and I know exactly where you caught that (The stream has a "W" and an "O" in it, your spot is a little north of a street starts with T

Where is your River Redhorse?

(09-05-2012 11:41 PM)MuskieBait Wrote: [ -> ]Yep, that's a white sucker...and I know exactly where you caught that (The stream has a "W" and an "O" in it, your spot is a little north of a street starts with T 


I fixed that.
Totally epic post Ken! One day I'll have my own smorgasbord just like that (if I remember to take measurements

I don't have too much to show off but here are my PB's
25 LB Chinook Salmon.
3 LB Northern Pike
My PB is a 3 pound LM Bass but I didn't have the pic so here's a 2 LB (btw I'm the one in the leafs shirt....it's a very old pic lol)
Again, not my PB. My PB is 1 LB Rock Bass (this is the only pic I have of me with a rocker)
1 LB Perch. (it's in there somewhere)
I have caught other nice sized fish but no pics.
awsum stuff guys!..don have my usb cable here to upload my pics lol..
(09-07-2012 12:46 AM)prime89 Wrote: [ -> ]awsum stuff guys!..don have my usb cable here to upload my pics lol..
Well then quit typing and go get that cable!

(09-18-2012 06:09 PM)OldTimer Wrote: [ -> ]Huh?
Oops!! Sorry about that, I totally forgot to edit it out. It was when my Salmon fishing post was posted and everything started stirring up and I was just a bit heated up from what was going on and I was mad and a lot of people. But now I've come back to my senses and hopefully you understand. I apologize for that.