I'm curious to know what is the meaning behind some of the UserID's out there? I'll start...
A2F is just an acronyn for "Addicted 2 Fishing"
What's the meaning behind yours?
Ahhhh good one A2F
Mine's simple... my first and middle names LOL. I can't believe I never watched Ninja Turtles

Gee......... I don't remember..............smile........
Mine is my last name and the day of the month I was born on.
Also I chose Giuga because my entire life none of my friends called me Nicholas, as my nickname in hockey was Giuga. Through my friends of hockey the name spread to my other friends. And now even some of my teachers call me Giuga

. So I thought if I am regularly know as Giuga in real life, why not put it as my ID

BTW it's pronounced (jewg-uh). If any of you were struggling with it
Some people even thought my 1st name was Giuga lol,
1) I'm a small guy (5'2", 100lb soaking wet). At one point, my friends said they always have a spot on the boat for me since I can fit in the livewell.
2) At one point, I was on a mission for my first muskie. Every trip I made always have a rod ready for that muskie.
3) My friend suggest that the best way for me to catch a muskie was to put a hook into my belt buckle, toss me in the water, and have me splash around. They are sure I'm just a bite size snack for a big muskie.
From there on, I was known as MuskieBait.

Laugh as you may, but this MuskieBait actually bites back.