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Full Version: 40 ft long fishing pole....?
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I am tempted to get one, just to see peoples faces......


Imagine the tip top's velocity on a power cast.
I cant actually think of anywhere that I fish, that I could use a 40ft pole.... Definitely not the islands, the canals are not 40ft wide in most places!

Can you imagine taking something like this down to Niagara Whirlpool and trying to land a salmon...... Dodgy LOL
I could jsut imagine seeing someone down on the river with that at a hot spot. "Comon guys i need 40 ft on each side to cast"
Epic find Mike! That site looks to have a lot of unique merchandise....

40 foot pole... lots of fun on the river! You could hit your favourite pools wayyyy downstream and the fish wouldn't be spooked at all... then you could beach the fish, lean the rod on a tree, and walk 5 minutes to claim your catch!
Brand new 40 ft compact telescopic pole, with an very light weight, just 21oz / 600g

I guess in a grand scheme of things, 21oz for a 40ft pole is pretty light...but wow!

Too bad this is not a 40ft surf rod for slinging 2lb weights...maybe we can even catch the carp on Rochester side of the lake. Tongue Big Grin

These would be good in Asia fishing off some of the rocky islands where you are clinging onto a rock ledge on a very steep shore (cliff) and needing to reach out over the rocky structure below to fish. People in Hong Kong fish 15ft rods pretty regularly from shore. My 7' spinning rod just looked silly to them Big Grin
(09-28-2012 01:49 PM)MuskieBait Wrote: [ -> ]Brand new 40 ft compact telescopic pole, with an very light weight, just 21oz / 600g

I guess in a grand scheme of things, 21oz for a 40ft pole is pretty light...but wow!

Too bad this is not a 40ft surf rod for slinging 2lb weights...maybe we can even catch the carp on Rochester side of the lake. Tongue Big Grin

These would be good in Asia fishing off some of the rocky islands where you are clinging onto a rock ledge on a very steep shore (cliff) and needing to reach out over the rocky structure below to fish. People in Hong Kong fish 15ft rods pretty regularly from shore. My 7' spinning rod just looked silly to them Big Grin

I think they have a 21ft beachcaster somewhere on that site.

Here you go:


Go on...you know you want one!! Big Grin I'm thinking of trading my 12ft interline for a 17.5 ft one, although I just noticed they have a 21ft interline too!



(09-28-2012 08:44 AM)MichaelAngelo Wrote: [ -> ]Epic find Mike! That site looks to have a lot of unique merchandise....

Looks like they have Tenkara rods and Hera rods too. They are actually just over the border in NY, but they import direct from the Far East.
Hm...I'm still eying the 12' interline. How heavy a weight are you casting with it at the moment?

If you are trading the 12' for a 17.5', maybe I'll take it off your hands. Big Grin
(09-28-2012 07:09 PM)MuskieBait Wrote: [ -> ]Hm...I'm still eying the 12' interline. How heavy a weight are you casting with it at the moment?

If you are trading the 12' for a 17.5', maybe I'll take it off your hands. Big Grin

I have settled on a 1 oz as the best casting weight for the rod action, way less than the Carp rod, but still good distance. You are welcome to borrow it if you want to try it out, it's.... different.... Wink
this thread of telescopic rods 13ft to 40ft is insane!!!! but you did peek my curiousity and i checked out the site and the prices for the rods are reasonable....i will order one too before spring...but smaller like 15ft ....a whole new style of fishing for next spring to try....
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