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Rivers near my house are closed for trout, so I'll be starting to look for local carp again!

If anybody in Markham wants to meet up for some carp, drop me a PM and we'll get a gang together.
YES YES YES YES YES. 1 Million times yes Tongue. I have never caught a Carp and am dying for a catch. PM Sent!

I am not in markham but i am willing to drive up Smile

I have a rod pod (to fit 3 rods), 2 alarms and unfortunately one swing arm ..also got and a bunch of tiger nuts (need to prepare) / boilies / corn / hemp seed / pellets ... PVA mesh and feeders .. where / when we meeting up ?? hahahah .. and if you want to try spodding before fishing .. i also have a spomb for that but doubt that is required. just dont have a floater / marker rod or bivvy ... Big Grin

i have given up fishing for other species for now and am going to try strictly carp hunting ... jsut got back from a work trip from Swansea, and picked up a couple of items there.
Well, you've got the carp gear!

Honestly there are no spectacular carp destinations in Markham (that I've found), I've had trouble hooking up this summer. When we hammer out a time, I'll let you know. You can PM me your number.
yea .. i actually got hooked on carp fishing and am slowly converting over to it .. my gear for other fishing is nothing compared to my carp/coarse fishing now ..

it sure is a lot of fun when you start unpacking all the gear and you get people staring at you wondering wtf you doing ..
Ok Guys You need some great Spots in Markham for Carping???

toogood pond in unionville on the north west side of the pond...

And dont forget Montjoy arena pond at 16th and markham rd....

(10-08-2012 12:39 PM)Jeremy Ray Green Wrote: [ -> ]Ok Guys You need some great Spots in Markham for Carping???

toogood pond in unionville on the north west side of the pond...

And dont forget Montjoy arena pond at 16th and markham rd....


Those are great spots that have lots of activity. I've tried them a few times but no luck Tongue.

Try not to reveal too many spots as there are sometimes lurkers and people who strictly fish for keeps who end up fishing out ponds (many around my house are almost completely dry because of them) but if you do want to reveal a spot I cant stop you Tongue just a caution. Tongue

I didn't mean that to be a lecture BTW just a heads up Big Grin

(10-10-2012 03:32 PM)Giuga10 Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-08-2012 12:39 PM)Jeremy Ray Green Wrote: [ -> ]Ok Guys You need some great Spots in Markham for Carping???

toogood pond in unionville on the north west side of the pond...

And dont forget Montjoy arena pond at 16th and markham rd....


Those are great spots that have lots of activity. I've tried them a few times but no luck Tongue.

Try not to reveal too many spots as there are sometimes lurkers and people who strictly fish for keeps who end up fishing out ponds (many around my house are almost completely dry because of them) but if you do want to reveal a spot I cant stop you Tongue just a caution. Tongue

I didn't mean that to be a lecture BTW just a heads up Big Grin


I Wish to share fishing with everyone, Even if it means sharing with people that dont care to preserve the fishing options as much as other do.
If we can create a large fishing community in our areas we like to fish, than eventually the more caring fishermen will outweigh the ones that dont care too much, if the group is large enough and that group shows its presence often enough the ones that dont care will know they are not welcomed...

For me, I share when possible Wink ...

(10-10-2012 07:10 PM)Jeremy Ray Green Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-10-2012 03:32 PM)Giuga10 Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-08-2012 12:39 PM)Jeremy Ray Green Wrote: [ -> ]Ok Guys You need some great Spots in Markham for Carping???

toogood pond in unionville on the north west side of the pond...

And dont forget Montjoy arena pond at 16th and markham rd....


Those are great spots that have lots of activity. I've tried them a few times but no luck Tongue.

Try not to reveal too many spots as there are sometimes lurkers and people who strictly fish for keeps who end up fishing out ponds (many around my house are almost completely dry because of them) but if you do want to reveal a spot I cant stop you Tongue just a caution. Tongue

I didn't mean that to be a lecture BTW just a heads up Big Grin


I Wish to share fishing with everyone, Even if it means sharing with people that dont care to preserve the fishing options as much as other do.
If we can create a large fishing community in our areas we like to fish, than eventually the more caring fishermen will outweigh the ones that dont care too much, if the group is large enough and that group shows its presence often enough the ones that dont care will know they are not welcomed...

For me, I share when possible Wink ...


And I'll get my super mean glare all practiced up in case I run into the unwelcomed bunch Wink hahah

Gotta have that MNR hotline programmed in your phones guys!

1-877-TIPS-MNR (847-7667)
(10-10-2012 07:10 PM)Jeremy Ray Green Wrote: [ -> ]I Wish to share fishing with everyone, Even if it means sharing with people that dont care to preserve the fishing options as much as other do.
If we can create a large fishing community in our areas we like to fish, than eventually the more caring fishermen will outweigh the ones that dont care too much, if the group is large enough and that group shows its presence often enough the ones that dont care will know they are not welcomed...

For me, I share when possible Wink ...




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