I'd like to find a case of say... 100 worms. Anybody have any ideas of where I can get something like this?
Bass City, my local tackle shop, sells them for 4.50 for 24 and I always buy my worms from them when I can't catch them myself. But I'd like to buy in bulk...
So I called Pagonis Live Bait and the quoted me $35 for a flat of 500 worms. I'd like to split this with 1 or 2 guys. PM if interested.
Yeah I was gonna recommend pagonis. I would split but don't have a need for worms or a place to store.
Let's just buy a case and start chumming the water with worms every minute or so...that should draw our target fish in...it's like a giant hatch of worms!

With a case of 500, we can chum 300 of them and still have 200 to use for the weekend
4 more sleeps!!!

(10-15-2012 10:31 PM)MuskieBait Wrote: [ -> ]like a giant hatch of worms!
or start a relentless channel cat feeding frenzy... LOL
Well, looked like 100 worms per person was just enough for this weekend...especially if last night could have been better...
What an epic weekend!!! Stardust whiskers...unforgettable!!!
Too bad we couldn't post a report in order to protect the innocent...
"Hey, a shooting star! Hey, there's another one! Guess what I wished for?" Three seconds later...Ring! Ring! Beep, Beep, BeepPPPPPPPPPPP...........RIGHT KIND!!!
If you have leftover from our 200 share of worms, save them...we'll need them either next week or when Eli visits.