I caught this is the lower pool at Watsons Mill in Ottawa today (along with about a dozen yellow perch). As far as I can figure it is a juvenile grass carp (it was about 14 inches). Can anyone corroborate?
do you have pic of tailor horizontal of full body?
it could also be a shinnerof some sort
i think its an emerald shiner...but better pics or Muskiebait's opinion would help....i am looking at the juvenile grass carp and shiner chart comparisson and still do not have a definitive answer
Definitely not Grass Carp.
It's a Fallfish (Semotilus corporalis)...you can identify them easily by the black outline in the areas at the base of the scale (part of the scale that is attached to the skin).
That's a decent one too. They can get to be a couple of pounds...pretty big for a minnow species!
(11-21-2012 11:00 PM)MuskieBait Wrote: [ -> ]That's a decent one too. They can get to be a couple of pounds...pretty big for a minnow species!
I was fishing on the Rouge and noticed one that looked to be about 5 lbs! They are quite the species if you ask me
(11-21-2012 11:23 PM)Giuga10 Wrote: [ -> ] (11-21-2012 11:00 PM)MuskieBait Wrote: [ -> ]That's a decent one too. They can get to be a couple of pounds...pretty big for a minnow species!
I was fishing on the Rouge and noticed one that looked to be about 5 lbs! They are quite the species if you ask me 
There's fallfish in the Rouge??
Maybe some of the chubs I caught there in the spring were actually fallfish?
Nice catch zippy, love that it hit a ... spinner I think you were using?
Thanks guys! Fallfish it is now that I looked it up based on your prompt replies.
I am used to looking up the sports fish but identifying the others had me scratching my head today!
(11-21-2012 11:40 PM)MichaelAngelo Wrote: [ -> ]Nice catch zippy, love that it hit a ... spinner I think you were using?
No not a spinner I was using 1/32 oz jig head with a worm on bobber set to about 4 feet(the pool was probably about 4-6 ft. This combination It seems to work well for me for Perch and panfish.... I started with a minnow for about 20 minutes and had one nibble (I'm convinced it was the fallfish). I tried a mico tube on a 1/32 jig but that did not seem to attract anything so I switch to the worm. I was thinking of moving to a 8 or 10 hook but hey the jig was working.
I found some sunken structure (probably a large bolder shielding the fish from the current of the dam) and kept hitting it and they kept hitting the worm... A bakers dozen of fish in an hour an half, solid entertainment on beautiful day (I spent the earlier part of the day looking for Muskie but no luck there).
I also go to use my new ultra light medium for the first time. It's a nice change from the my general purpose medium fast I had been using. I still find it funny to see a bent rod on a 6 inch fish but it works (you can tell I don't ice fish)
Two funny things:
- I baited my hook once with about 1.5 inches of worm and it lasted the whole session.
- The yellow perch hit from largest to smallest to a fault; The first one was about 12 inches, then 10, then 9... The last couple were in the 7 inch range.
I And many of my friends have caught Fall fish in the rouge system.
But never to 5 pounds.
They can sometimes be mistaken for a young Carp..