Been fishing for atleast 40yrs now lol don't get out as much as i used to but still love it just as much.Started using a bobber and hook then pickeral rigs with minnows now hardcore lure fishing very rarely i well use live bait.And like many others still learning new things everytime out.
I've been fishing since I was little kid. Forums are greatest way to learn and earn some tips. I have one forum that is for korean fishing club in virginia, where we post where to fish, types of lure/bait, types of line, tide charts, and types of fish. Fishing is probably one sports where you have to learn constantly as you catch different kinds of fishes. So many tips out there and you just have to make it on your own.
i have been fishing my whole life and still learn new things all the time
Been fishing many years and there are still TONS of stuff to learn. Always have an open mind and you'll improve. =)
(03-14-2012 01:53 PM)dannyhan83 Wrote: [ -> ]I've been fishing since I was little kid. Forums are greatest way to learn and earn some tips. I have one forum that is for korean fishing club in virginia, where we post where to fish, types of lure/bait, types of line, tide charts, and types of fish. Fishing is probably one sports where you have to learn constantly as you catch different kinds of fishes. So many tips out there and you just have to make it on your own.
Awesome, let me know if you have any suggestions for here.
I'm a relative newbie to fishing. So i need all the help i can get.
(03-25-2012 01:21 AM)TheMug Wrote: [ -> ]I'm a relative newbie to fishing. So i need all the help i can get.
Well you're in the right place
There's a great base of knowledge in the General Discussion section and on MikeH's site
been fishing with my dad since I was 4, but only got serious about a year or two ago. Lots to learn haha
My first ever fishing experience (2009) wasn't really a fishing experience (?) lol...
i was canoeing down the whitefish lake peacefully in my own world... when I came close to another canoe with 2 guys that I knew...
they were fishing, just relaxing.... and then the next thing you know... they reel-in a large fish and took the hook off and put the fish in my canoe...
and well ... you know what happened next...
I started fishing when I was 10 year old (that's going to be 20 years soon).
It took one trip to Lake Simcoe and one visit to a fly tying demonstration at CNE to get me completely hooked.
Initially, I wanted to catch all the usual targets...bass, panfish, perch and pike. Then I wanted to get into the big game which was salmon, steelhead and brown trout. Then I kinda went the other way and wanted to learn to icefish for bluegills and crappie and fly fish for small stream brook trout.
In 2003, I met a co-work at my lab and he introduced me to a whole new world of fishing...this thing called a Life List. This is a life mission to catch as many species as possible during the angler's life. From there on, he introduced me to a lot of the less utilized species such as white bass, freshwater drum, redhorse suckers and minnow species.
In 2007, I graduated from university and planned a 2 months trip to visit my family in Hawaii, plus visit my friend mentioned about who moved to British Columbia for work. This started another big chapter in my life. It was a great adventure where I caught over 30 species plus my biggest fish in life, a 120lb yellowfin tuna!
Ever since, I have brought rods and reels with me whenever I get a chance to travel, either for work on conferences or to visit family in Hawaii, California or Florida. I would never travel without any rods today. In fact, I usually bring at least 4-5 combos with me, ranging from a medium-light spinning rod all the way to 12' heavy surf rods and light tuna rods.
There are so many species yet to be caught and so many destinations world wide to visit. There is an endless amount of fishing information and fishing techniques to learn, plus all the fish and their behaviour and habitat to understand. That is why I love fishing so will always have something new to learn and try.