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Got my 3 year renewal on line too............. no problems with the system now.
Quick update: I received my new outdoors card today (I got the same old brown design instead of the new blue one they're rolling out this year, but I don't mind).

One thing I noticed is that it does not mention if I bought a sport or conservation tag anywhere. The back just has one slot printed with "3 Year Fishing" in English/French with a silver background...

Do I still need to walk around with the paper copy which states it's a sports tag??
Never thought of that.... My gut feel would be that there is something on the tag (maybe the colour) that differentiates the two.

No where does it every say you have to continue to walk around with the copy of the paper tag once you have received a card or tag.

you could call the 1-800 number on the back of the card and ask.
(01-04-2013 12:25 AM)jedisoccer Wrote: [ -> ]Quick update: I received my new outdoors card today (I got the same old brown design instead of the new blue one they're rolling out this year, but I don't mind).

One thing I noticed is that it does not mention if I bought a sport or conservation tag anywhere. The back just has one slot printed with "3 Year Fishing" in English/French with a silver background...

Do I still need to walk around with the paper copy which states it's a sports tag??

Interesting point - I don't think the old cards said if it was a "sport" or "conservation" card..............

I wonder how a conservation officer tells the difference? Is it the numbering sequence perhaps?

(01-04-2013 03:07 PM)OldTimer Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-04-2013 12:25 AM)jedisoccer Wrote: [ -> ]Quick update: I received my new outdoors card today (I got the same old brown design instead of the new blue one they're rolling out this year, but I don't mind).

One thing I noticed is that it does not mention if I bought a sport or conservation tag anywhere. The back just has one slot printed with "3 Year Fishing" in English/French with a silver background...

Do I still need to walk around with the paper copy which states it's a sports tag??

Interesting point - I don't think the old cards said if it was a "sport" or "conservation" card..............

I wonder how a conservation officer tells the difference? Is it the numbering sequence perhaps?


Before 2012 (yellow card with description + outdoors card) the printed or sticker tags would say conservation or sport.

I'm guessing the silver is the indicator, I'll give the MNR a call this weekend to confirm!
Let us know what the MNR says................... be a disaster to find out they gave you the wrong "colour" after you take the higher limit and are "carded"/checked by a conservation officer.
Apologies for the late reply. I called the MNR this week and was told that only conservation licenses will distinctly say 'Conservation Fishing License'. Sport tags will not have that indication on them and I do not need to carry any additional information with me.
I had to renew my Outdoors Card last year and I bought a 1-year conservation license together at the time. The tag was printed on the top slot and it was teal in colour plus it does say "Conservation Fishing 2012".

From what I remember, tag colour changes colour every year.
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