Eying the sub $50, 8" manual auger from BPS, but I believe it is an inline auger. Would that make punching holes just that more difficult compared to an offset auger?
I won't be able to answer that question but I thought you might want to know this. Le Baron has some really nice sub $50 manual augers that me ad my dad were eyeing for a while. We even found one that I think was sub $40, we checked it out in store and it looked like a great auger. If you haven't already, you may want to check Le Baron also.
It's a preference thing...
I prefer offset since I can use both arms to rotate the auger...but when the going gets tough and you need to apply downward force, inline does a better job since you can put one hand on the top and rotate with the other.
I have an offset...but there are days I wish I have an inline...especially when there is 24" of ice to auger through.
Offset is the way to go. 8" fin-bore is the best manual auger you can get around here. Pay a little more and get a quality tool thats made in Sweden, not China.
(01-18-2013 01:18 AM)Eli Wrote: [ -> ]Offset is the way to go. 8" fin-bore is the best manual auger you can get around here. Pay a little more and get a quality tool thats made in Sweden, not China.
LeBaron's got a good price on 'em... now I need one of their "no-tax" sales to pop up