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I recently bought an 8 inch auger and it is hell drilling holes with. I've seen on numerous websites that the 6 inch is much easier for drilling. I was wondering if anyone had any pros and cons for either size and what you would get in this situation. Keep in mind that I fish for just about anything. Would I ever come across a fish that wont fit through a six inch hole?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

What brand auger did you get?

A 6" is easier on the arms for sure but you'll have a much tougher time landing large fish. Truelly large fish will be unlandable as they will not fit through the hole and you'll be forced to cut the line -- and THAT WILL SUCK BIGTIME. I've had fish that almost didn't fit through an 8" hole, so it WILL happen with a 6".
Also, a 6" hole will freeze much quicker than an 8" hole.
(02-04-2013 08:12 PM)Eli Wrote: [ -> ]What brand auger did you get?

A 6" is easier on the arms for sure but you'll have a much tougher time landing large fish. Truelly large fish will be unlandable as they will not fit through the hole and you'll be forced to cut the line -- and THAT WILL SUCK BIGTIME. I've had fish that almost didn't fit through an 8" hole, so it WILL happen with a 6".
Also, a 6" hole will freeze much quicker than an 8" hole.

I got a Nordic. I think my dad is gonna mod our current one with a weed whacker motor which would be great when the ice is thick.

Here's what you do...

When you watch TV, go do 3 reps of 30 push-ups. Take a break, then do some more in an hour.

Drink lots of milk, eat lots of meat and eggs...and you don't have to worry about a 8" auger anymore.

I had an 8" auger that I traded for a 6" auger...back in the days when I first started icefishing and back in the days when we had 24" of ice by Feb. I'm not kidding you...there were a few occasions when we were down to the handle and was barely able to punch through the last inch of ice. Going through 24" of ice with an 8" auger is brutal...a little less work with 6" auger since the 2" difference has a lot to do with reduced torque on the outer edge as the diameter increase. The rotation and power comes from the center of the auger...and it is reduced on the outer edge the more the diameter of the auger increase...

Nowadays, we barely have 12" of ice on Simcoe in Feb...and I do miss my 8" auger. A couple of years ago, I couldn't fit a 8lb whitefish through my 6" hole. It would have been my PB Lake Whitefish. As I was waiting for my friend to borrow a gaff to for the fish through, the hook came out...

BTW, I would not advise gaffing and squeezing the fish through unless you intend to keep it. I was preparing to keep that fish. It had a clipped pectoral fin so it was a stocked fish.
(02-04-2013 08:12 PM)Eli Wrote: [ -> ]I've had fish that almost didn't fit through an 8" hole

This, I need to know more about!
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