How did you guys do for the salmon run this fall? Did you guys manage to land a salmon or two?
a friend of mine caught a 20ish pounder near the mouth of Highland Creek. Lucky not many people were there for the run!... I think most people went to Bronte LOL that was insane.
Not sure how Bronte was in past years...
Didn't catch but definitely admired, I saw someone's dog swat at one out of the water there in colonel danforth park lol
Yes yes, I had success in Bronte. I was lucky enough to be there the first days of the run BEFORE the fish got tuckered out and the crowds came in flocks.
Landed about a few 20 lbders. It's definitely not real fishing though and I think 1 season's enough for me.
lol petrocanada *cough* snaggers *cough* park *shakes head* XD same poo show every season so I hear
ya me and two buddys of mine went to the Bronte a few times and a few other spots to this year.. here's a few pic's of the three we got at the bronte on the first trip..
sorry about the pic's guys silly computer wont let me up load them to the site. and i don't way i'll try again later
(02-10-2012 05:46 PM)derby69 Wrote: [ -> ]ya me and two buddys of mine went to the Bronte a few times and a few other spots to this year.. here's a few pic's of the three we got at the bronte on the first trip..
sorry about the pic's guys silly computer wont let me up load them to the site. and i don't way i'll try again later
Do you use a photo uploading website?
I use you just upload you're pictures to it and then copy and paste the [img] code here, and that will put up you're pictures in you're posts.
When I have fishing pics they're usually up on Facebook, so I just right click the image and click "copy image url".
thanks alot for the help guys.i'll give it a try
(02-13-2012 12:31 AM)derby69 Wrote: [ -> ]thanks alot for the help guys.i'll give it a try
Hi derby69, I looked into it. You can also upload images directly to the forum that are under 500 kb. In your posting window at the bottom there's an option to upload attachments.
If your pictures are too big, windows can resize them. Right click, go to "send to" and click "email". You can then copy/paste those attachments and they'll be under 500 kb.
I went out a few times to try my hand at pier fishing (this year was first attempt). I managed to catch a nice pike and I somehow snagged a bullhead by the tail. No salmon but I did note down the most productive baits, times, and spots. I also caught my first salmon at Erindale in November. I probably won't do it again (target salmon in rivers) because it died shortly after, and it was pretty disheartening.