03-21-2013, 03:41 PM
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03-21-2013, 04:41 PM
(03-21-2013 03:41 PM)OldTimer Wrote: [ -> ]Does that mean I should stop using my rotary dial hard wired phone?...........smile.
No please don't. It's refreshing to know there are people out there not tied to the hip with technology. That's partly why I go fishing. To get away from it all. And yes, I don't use fishfinders. I use my head :-)
03-21-2013, 06:38 PM
..............may the force be with you...............grin
03-21-2013, 10:21 PM
(03-20-2013 06:19 PM)Sailor Joe Wrote: [ -> ]The chorus of app centric smart phone users drowns out those who advocate the more stationary web based methods for content delivery. Hence forth the reason behind the iFish apps existence; because it fulfilled a need where the MNR did not. Else, the opposite would be true. The MNR would have to develop something above and beyond it's old school methods of content delivery if it wants to compete in this space and gain adoption. With all the provincial budget cuts this year, consider the fact that the private sector is leading in this space. Mobile apps are the way to go. I think iFish sources MNR data any way.
This is getting off topic....
Have fun with mobile apps.

I love to see the day you're fishing in your favourite lake, report in real time a trophy bass catch, and then see wave and wave of people invading your spot within minutes after posting your catch.

I used to wonder why a lot of good anglers don't come on fishing forums, post reports and discuss fishing spots...and then I was "enlightened".

Techniques and gear...sure, we can discuss that...spots..."whatcha talking about?" or "son, there's no fish in the lake."

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