04-05-2013, 06:20 AM
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04-05-2013, 09:11 AM
@Eli - Really wish you were there! Pat probably caught a dozen Flier on his own.
We got lucky with the Hickory that day because the run is just starting to get going...and we saw just a couple of cherry blossoms the day before. If you are planning to go next year, I would say mid-April is best...but maybe I would wait until late April to have a combined shot at Hickory and Snakehead.
@MA - Pics look great because I did a little image processing this time...increase the saturation a bit and adjust the colour temperature. The pics were good to start...but they were even better after.
You know I'm already thinking about another trip to catch Flathead Catfish, Banded Sunfish and Bluespotted Sunfish...and maybe if there is time I'll take a partyboat to go after those Bluelined Tilefish I've been drooling over. You're always welcome to join if you don't wish to be a Korean war refugee. 

@OT - Thanks! We had a lot of luck on our side this time. Despite careful planning, you simply can't plan for weather or precise seasonal changes that affect a migratory run. So we got lucky and we were able accomplish our targets.

@MA - Pics look great because I did a little image processing this time...increase the saturation a bit and adjust the colour temperature. The pics were good to start...but they were even better after.

@OT - Thanks! We had a lot of luck on our side this time. Despite careful planning, you simply can't plan for weather or precise seasonal changes that affect a migratory run. So we got lucky and we were able accomplish our targets.

04-05-2013, 10:05 AM
(04-05-2013 09:11 AM)MuskieBait Wrote: [ -> ]You're always welcome to join if you don't wish to be a Korean war refugee.
LOL this is such unfortunate timing isn't it!
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