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New Found Hobby
08-09-2017, 10:46 AM
Post: #1
New Found Hobby
Good Morning Everyone! I'm Bill from Toronto.

I have vague memories of randomly fishing as a kid at Christie Conservation Area some 30 years ago, and that was the extent of my fishing experiences...until recently.

Now with children of my own, i picked up a Canadian Tire rod before heading to a cottage last year. We had fun catching sunfish off a dock, but not really exciting for me. Actually became more of a hassle unhooking the sunfish every cast.

The kids enjoyed though and that's what mattered, and to keep the interest alive, i often take them to Burd's Family Fishing, a stocked trout pond in Stouffville.

The interest really hit me though. and by the end of last year, i had 3 rods of my own, (a shimano ci4+ spinning reel, shimano metanium baitcast, and a shimano cardiff i tried musky fishing with), and a tackle box full of a variety of lures and plastic baits.

Most my fishing takes place from shore as i do not have a boat. I've fished:
- Lake Kawagama up in Dorset. Only catching small rock bass from a dock. Kind of similar to catching sunfish.
- On the Severn River from a dock, near the Severn Falls Marina. Catching sunfish.
- Rice Lake in Kawarthas, just last week and got skunked.
- Balsam Lake, caught some small mouth bass. This is where i tried trolling for musky with no experience and no luck of course.
- and other random little spots, ie, LaSalle Park in Burlington. (frustrating here, because i can see the carp swimming right in front of me). Ashbridges Bay with no luck.

I have lots to learn still, what i've found so far:
- i have to use baits that are similar to what the fish are feeding on at that time of the year in that particular body of water. (this will be difficult since i like to try random and different places)
- the presentation is important, not just throwing in and reeling back. i don't know what movement to add, or maybe none at all?
- i think time of day matters, i never have any luck mid day, but that's the only time i really have to get out.
- all the different lures they sell are to fool me rather than the fish, because i buy everything, and find the most results are usually with a simple hook and worm.
- since i don't have a boat to transport my rods, i usually have to buy a 2 piece, and the choices for a good rod are pretty slim.

Anyway, glad to be a part of this forum, and hope to learn more tips and tricks of this sometimes frustrating sport.

- Bill
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New Found Hobby - Skunkd - 08-09-2017 10:46 AM
RE: New Found Hobby - OldTimer - 08-09-2017, 02:17 PM

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