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Flurocarbon Line
08-08-2017, 03:28 PM
Post: #1
Flurocarbon Line

New to this forum and looking for some information. I usually stick with braided line but I'm trying flurocarbon for the first time and wondering why the line always snaps on me. While I'm casting, it'll snap in mid air or if I'm snagged, it wont take much force for the line to just snap. I'm tired of loosing my lures!!
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08-08-2017, 05:53 PM
Post: #2
RE: Flurocarbon Line
Welcome to OSF. The first obvious question is what # test line are you using, and what brand?
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10-13-2017, 07:32 PM
Post: #3
RE: Flurocarbon Line
Googling for "fluorocarbon knots" might help
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10-14-2017, 03:00 AM
Post: #4
RE: Flurocarbon Line
Flurocarbon so dense it is basically glass and is quite difficult to tie using anything NOT designed specifically for fluorocarbon. In addition to this, your knots have to be very good to hold, it will cut itself and through braid if you don't have your knots dialed in.

If you're tying line-to-line, the double uni holds best imo. The palomar isn't very good for terminal with fluro (in my experience). You should really look up fluro terminal knots and fluro to braid knots.
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07-17-2018, 03:37 PM (This post was last modified: 07-17-2018 03:41 PM by Dangerfield.)
Post: #5
RE: Flurocarbon Line
Hate to disagree with gthnk but I prefer the palomar knot for fluoro but I'm using 18-20lb Sunline Sniper for jig fishing. It does the trick in the early Spring when coontails, reeds etc aren't a big problem, I've switched over to braid once the lillypads surface. For connection knots, I also like the San Diego jam or the good ol Improved Clinch Knot, the latter for mono. Line-to-Line, I've had best success with the blood knot or the Alberto, I'm trying to learn the FG as it happens to be the best. I've used the double uni but have had a few break-offs, so I don't have much confidence in it anymore.
(07-17-2018 03:37 PM)Dangerfield Wrote:  Hate to disagree with gthnk but I prefer the palomar knot for fluoro but I'm using 18-20lb Sunline Sniper for jig fishing. It does the trick in the early Spring when coontails, reeds etc aren't a big problem, I've switched over to braid once the lillypads surface. For connection knots, I also like the San Diego jam or the good ol Improved Clinch Knot, the latter for mono. Line-to-Line, I've had best success with the blood knot or the Alberto, I'm trying to learn the FG as it happens to be the best. I've used the double uni but have had a few break-offs, so I don't have much confidence in it anymore.

My preferred fluoro is the Sunline FC Sniper - it does stretch but requires a ton of effort. It's SUPER strong and decently abrasion resistant. I casted a WP in between 2 trees and right as I went to retrieve my line, I got snagged on submerged 130lb fluoro leader with a huge muskie lure, I pulled and pulled and pulled and that damn line would not break. Finally after enough stretching the line broke. It's certainly not cheap line, usually $36 for a 200 yard spool at Cabela's. Maybe $30 at Pro J's
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07-17-2018, 05:21 PM
Post: #6
RE: Flurocarbon Line
Fluoro carbon line is stiffer than other lines.... I do see it slapping my pole alot more than braid or fluoro as rule; Though I have had issues while casting musky/pike lures on stiff rod. I have very few rods geared up with 100% fluro, usually reserve this for some of my lighter setups. No issues like you mentioned. Most of my rigs have 6-18 ft regular fluro leader. My aggressive applications (catfish/musky/pike or fishing in areas with high abbrasion) I make sure I use fluro leader material.

A couple of things to consider:
- Brand... My brand of preference is Seagaur
- Use Flu Leader material (not regular line) for aggressive fishing or high abrasion areas.
- Rod. Doe your rod have enough action to load appropriately for the line/lure weight you are using. Or is the line bearing the full weight of the cast on it's own.
- Check for frayed line.
- Check for chipped eyelets.
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07-22-2018, 09:41 PM
Post: #7
RE: Flurocarbon Line
I was thinking of switching to flouro from mono. This scares me off it a bit.
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08-08-2018, 03:06 PM
Post: #8
RE: Flurocarbon Line
(07-22-2018 09:41 PM)Denois Wrote:  I was thinking of switching to flouro from mono. This scares me off it a bit.

Fluoro is WAY more sensitive then Mono but way harder and more brittle.
It has it's trade offs. If it were me, and I wanted to use fluoro it would be my main line only. If braid line is the main line, I'd use Maxima Ultragreen or Sufix Siege as leader material but I would not reco fluoro as leader material. Siege is ultra strong and very cost effective at $10/300yards at Crappy Tire. Maxima is more premium, don't buy their fluoro leader material - it's no good.
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08-08-2018, 06:42 PM
Post: #9
RE: Flurocarbon Line
(08-08-2018 03:06 PM)Dangerfield Wrote:  I'd use Maxima Ultragreen or Sufix Siege as leader material but I would not reco fluoro as leader material. Siege is ultra strong and very cost effective at $10/300yards at Crappy Tire. Maxima is more premium, don't buy their fluoro leader material - it's no good.
Thanks for the tip. It is time to get some salmon leader staff.
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09-05-2019, 07:22 PM
Post: #10
RE: Flurocarbon Line
Try braid... best line for tieing knots!
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