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Hook Limit Confusion?
06-23-2013, 10:33 PM
Post: #1
Hook Limit Confusion?
I was thinking about the maximum of 4 hooks limit and had some questions.

I'm planning on buying a 4 wire Alabama Rig, and I was thinking of trying some plastics along with spinners on it, however would I have to change all of the spinner hooks to singles instead of trebles, now here is where my confusion began, many crankbaits have two trebles on them which would mean there are 6 hooks on them, 2 more than the limit but they are still legally used all the time, are there certain exceptions?

Can anyone clear up the confusion, is a treble hook considered one hook?

Thanks for any help.
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06-23-2013, 11:29 PM
Post: #2
RE: Hook Limit Confusion?
(06-23-2013 10:33 PM)Giuga10 Wrote:  Can anyone clear up the confusion, is a treble hook considered one hook?

Thanks for any help.

Don't take my word for it but I'm pretty sure a treble hook is considered a single hook. I think the definition for a single hook is a hook or hooks with a common shank. So a treble hook is a single hook. So the limit would be 4 treble hooks on a single line or lure.
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06-24-2013, 12:38 AM
Post: #3
RE: Hook Limit Confusion?
I have asked MNR in the past. A treble counts as one hook.

Hooks and Lines:

"A hook includes a single-pointed or multiple-pointed hook on a common shaft but does not include a snagger or spring gaff."
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06-24-2013, 08:49 AM
Post: #4
RE: Hook Limit Confusion?
Thanks mcfly and zippyFX. That cleared up the confusion, and now I can be a bit more experimental with the new rig.

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06-24-2013, 03:47 PM
Post: #5
RE: Hook Limit Confusion?
Hey Giuga10,

I'm sure you've seen this - but I'll post it up for others considering using the Alabama rig.




<>< I once gave up fishing. It was the most terrifying weekend of my life. ><>

See you on the river.
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06-24-2013, 05:05 PM
Post: #6
RE: Hook Limit Confusion?
Thanks OT. I decided on getting a 3 wired rig instead of four.
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06-25-2013, 12:35 AM (This post was last modified: 06-25-2013 12:35 AM by MichaelAngelo.)
Post: #7
RE: Hook Limit Confusion?
I'd love to see it in action. I bought one last time I was in the states, I'm scared of snagging it... it just smells like snag... just has snag written all over it LOL.

But I guess they're made for trolling open-water anyways... not for casting to things... I think?

Rig it with 4 swimbaits and I think it'll be just deadly.

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06-25-2013, 01:40 AM
Post: #8
RE: Hook Limit Confusion?
I have also heard of people using it with more than 4 in Ontario but just being sure to to not have hooks on more than 4. It makes the appearance of a bigger school. I also have read that most strikes are the lower one and the one trailing farther back.
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06-25-2013, 10:48 AM
Post: #9
RE: Hook Limit Confusion?
(06-25-2013 12:35 AM)MichaelAngelo Wrote:  I'd love to see it in action. I bought one last time I was in the states, I'm scared of snagging it... it just smells like snag... just has snag written all over it LOL.

But I guess they're made for trolling open-water anyways... not for casting to things... I think?

Rig it with 4 swimbaits and I think it'll be just deadly.

Haha. I've watched tons of tournaments and shows where they casted them in anywhere from 3 to 20 feet of water. Never seen them trolled though. I got some Xzone Swammer Swimbaits from BPS that I'm gonna use on it. I'm going up to Six Mile Lake for the weekend and I cant wait to use it Tongue.
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06-25-2013, 08:08 PM
Post: #10
RE: Hook Limit Confusion?
in this case, I think you can tie a lot of crankbaits on this rig, just keep the hooks in 4 of them(the lowest and fartherest ones).

(06-25-2013 01:40 AM)zippyFX Wrote:  I have also heard of people using it with more than 4 in Ontario but just being sure to to not have hooks on more than 4. It makes the appearance of a bigger school. I also have read that most strikes are the lower one and the one trailing farther back.
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