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Hooks the right hook for the job
08-28-2012, 04:01 AM
Post: #1
Hooks the right hook for the job
It is abundantly clear that there is some real crap out there. The original packs of hook that I bought were better than the Wally world specials but still don't look to be the best for the job.

I bought some short shanked Gamakatsu for salmon egges, they work but are they the best gfor the job. trying to put a worm on the hook and keeping it on, surely some hooks are better than others.

I notice red hooks, yellow ,brass you name it they got it. There is an obvious difference in quality as well. I've seen some excellent write up on this site on anout every topic. perhaps some could weigh in on this topic.

If I can keep the roe on the hook a little longer that's a fair savings of time and money. I do understand how the roe loop works but I'm guessing there is much more to the science of hook selection.
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08-31-2012, 12:52 AM
Post: #2
RE: Hooks the right hook for the job
Just what the doctor ordered. This site has some amazing tutorials and some very helpful members.

Now I have to work on co-ordination. Did I mention that I have 3 tears to my right rotator and a torn bicep. I'm working on a 2 handed cast to alleviate the pain. I am not giving in. One thing I'm terying as an alternative to casting is a wet fly on a long leader with a slip float. If i let the rig float down stream I can retrieve. I'm wondering what the fly looks like while drifting.

Buyiing a longer rod did help a bit.

Any ideas?
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09-05-2012, 10:00 PM
Post: #3
RE: Hooks the right hook for the job
I moved the most excellent hook tutorial to a new thread in the Resources section. To avoid duplicate content, here's the link:

[Image: logobgs.png]
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