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Illegal to shore fish in Toronto Harbour !!
03-19-2012, 05:00 PM (This post was last modified: 03-19-2012 05:19 PM by Mike Riehl.)
Post: #31
RE: Illegal to shore fish in Toronto Harbour !!
Good afternoon all :-)

I was given a heads up of the 2 fishing incidents that happened over the past few days this morning by one of your fishing colleagues and while I was gathering information for my earlier post, I took the time to register on this site.

"MikeH" and "Oldtimer" please call my office and I can help explain this all better if my posting above is still unclear.

As I hope you have all gathered, the over-riding issue here is who owns the land. Several of postings have talked about "public areas" (areas that the public is allowed to visit) but some of this property under the control of Harbourfront Centre...and they have a no fishing rule.

City Parks and Rec property is "public" property and fishing is allowed unless areas like HTO park (I have not checked for signs there today but will try to visit this week), along the western beaches (e.g. Marilyn Bell park unless posted signs), central waterfront park (in front of Harbour Square condos which "mostly" is a city park...the condo might own portions by the boardwalk in the northwest corner), north side of the Outer Harbour (but not in the swimming or boating areas)...the portion of the area from the Outer Harbour (Unwin Ave) to the Outer Harbour Marina belongs to Toronto Portlands Corporation and I currently dont know their fishing rules.

cheers all


OH yes...I forgot to mention that I have already involved the Marine Unit in this conversation so that enforcement by them will be consistent with the TPA rules.

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03-19-2012, 08:42 PM (This post was last modified: 03-19-2012 08:47 PM by MikeH.)
Post: #32
RE: Illegal to shore fish in Toronto Harbour !!
I followed up on a few things and it's not at all about who owns the land. Harbourfront Centre is hiding behind the TPA rule 24 and saying their hands are tied by the TPA. If the TPA has no issue with people fishing at Harbourfront centre, then Harbourfront Centre must post their own no fishing signs.
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03-20-2012, 09:44 AM (This post was last modified: 03-20-2012 09:44 AM by MikeH.)
Post: #33
RE: Illegal to shore fish in Toronto Harbour !!
So.. I emailed the details to the Toronto sun, the Toronto star and the Globe and mail.
I emailed Harbourfront Centre public relations and asked why they are targetting the disabled and young kids who cant afford a fancy fishing boat with this fishing ban.
I emailed City council and the Mayors office....

I'm just getting started.
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03-20-2012, 11:08 AM
Post: #34
RE: Illegal to shore fish in Toronto Harbour !!
Awsum work guys, great start!
Let me know if i can be of any help!
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03-20-2012, 01:18 PM (This post was last modified: 03-20-2012 02:00 PM by MikeH.)
Post: #35
RE: Illegal to shore fish in Toronto Harbour !!
so... MNR is out. They only work with the city in helping promote fishing on City property. TPA are sticking to their line that they don't actively enforce the rule unless the land owner uses it to block fishing. So this is a Harbourcentre management issue. At this point I dont see a useful purpose to any Harbourfront protest this weekend, unless someone is intending to take the ticket and fight it in court. Be careful though, my legal advice also mentioned that they may switch the ticket to one of trespass for failing to leave when asked, and remove the fishing isuue from the courts.
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03-20-2012, 01:33 PM
Post: #36
RE: Illegal to shore fish in Toronto Harbour !!
(03-19-2012 08:42 PM)MikeH Wrote:  I followed up on a few things and it's not at all about who owns the land. Harbourfront Centre is hiding behind the TPA rule 24 and saying their hands are tied by the TPA. If the TPA has no issue with people fishing at Harbourfront centre, then Harbourfront Centre must post their own no fishing signs.

MikeH and others...

If you are talking to someone (Harbourfront Centre or whoever) and if they state that they are enforcing TPA rule 24, PLEASE get their name and phone number and pass it on to me so I can talk to them about what they are talking about.

PS...Mike H please call my office ASAP

Warmest regards...
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[-] The following 3 users say Thank You to Mike Riehl for this post:
bettercallsaul (03-20-2012), MikeH (03-20-2012), OldTimer (03-20-2012)
03-20-2012, 01:49 PM
Post: #37
RE: Illegal to shore fish in Toronto Harbour !!
OK, just got off the phone

Spoke with Mike Riehl again and he was VERY CLEAR ON THIS... if someone tells you to stop fishing and quotes TPA rule 24 at you, get their name and who they are representing (Harbourcentre security for example) as TPA will want to speak to them about trying to enforce a TPA rule without TPA authority.

HarbourFront Centre management have now told TPA that they are enforcing a no fishing zone on their own merit, not based on TPA rule 24 and have posted no fishing signs to this effect.

You will not be ticketed under TPA rule 24, but you could be ticketed for trespass if you refuse to stop fishing and leave Harbourfront centre property. So... this really narrows it down for us. Get in touch with the city, Harbourfront centre receives public funding for recreational waterfront activities, not for banning them. The rule 24 excuse has officially been puilled out from under their feet by the TPA.
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[-] The following 3 users say Thank You to MikeH for this post:
bettercallsaul (03-20-2012), manitoubass2 (03-20-2012), MichaelAngelo (03-21-2012)
03-20-2012, 03:02 PM
Post: #38
RE: Illegal to shore fish in Toronto Harbour !!
I see, well i think its better to stay away for now, I don't think theyl understand. Don't risk the ticket and the trip to.court.
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03-20-2012, 03:07 PM (This post was last modified: 03-20-2012 03:09 PM by MikeH.)
Post: #39
RE: Illegal to shore fish in Toronto Harbour !!
Our immediate focus needs to be on contacting your city councillor and your member of parliament and asking why an organisation that receives public funding for the development of waterfront activities is banning them instead, and if the city of toronto is ok with Harbourfront security deciding which toronto tax payers have access to the waterfront and who does not.

I have sought some advise from a PR / crisis management expert on what would consititute a PR nightmare for Harbourfont centre on this issue, and a group of Joe Public guys protesting no fishing is not it.....
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03-20-2012, 03:50 PM
Post: #40
RE: Illegal to shore fish in Toronto Harbour !!
I have a few tidbits to review/share in this:

Firstly………I did call and thank Michael Riehl, of the TPA, for his valuable input and assistance over the past few days. I am sure most reading this thread will acknowledge his helpful professionalism. In all of this, it has been seen that the Toronto Port Authority is not “the bad guy” but has simple rules to protect the safety and well-being of all persons under their area of responsibility….. Thanks again Mike.

Next - I feel I must share my thoughts - in that I seriously doubt that anyone is either openly, or in some devious manner, targeting the handicapped or youth of our province by restricting their fishing access to a few hundred yards of shoreline (out of the many hundreds of miles).

However – I do think that MikeH has a point – in that the HarbourFront Centre is supported by public funding and should at least respond to concerns of any interest group or sector of the public. Note- that I said respond – not necessarily obey. I can see that they would have strong objections to fishing in some areas under their control.

If you find this overall “restriction” that HarbourFront Centre has set to be unacceptable…… perhaps the best approach is to express your dissatisfaction to those directing or managing the organization.

This is the board of directors (note that 3 city councillors are listed):

These are the “managers”:

If you recognize a name, or reside within a listed councillors riding – complain in writing and verbally……………. And perhaps to the Mayor, and your riding’s Member of Provincial Parliament, or in a calm but direct “letter to the editor” of the newspaper you subscribe to.



<>< I once gave up fishing. It was the most terrifying weekend of my life. ><>

See you on the river.
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