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Species roady info?
03-29-2017, 10:38 AM
Post: #1
Species roady info?
Hey everywone, i planed out a big road trip to target many diffrent species in southern Ontario ive never got before since im a northern boy including carp, couple redhorse species, channel catfish, bluegill, bowfin, white and black crappie and gar if they are running. While i know where to go and what to use for those species there some i cant find much info about such as green and northern sunfishes, black and yellow bullheads and white perch. If someown can point me in directions on where to find those species or stratergys to use to fish them that would be really awesome or just pm me info be great. Ill mostly be roadtripping around Barrie, London and maybe Windsor for white crappie.
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03-30-2017, 01:26 PM (This post was last modified: 03-30-2017 01:27 PM by MuskieBait.)
Post: #2
RE: Species roady info?
I can't give you exact locations...but here are some general areas.

Northern Sunfish - You are looking in the right area for them if you are around London, especially the Upper Thames. You can also find a few Redhorse species in the same watershed. You can also find Northerns around Parry Sound.

Green Sunfish - All of the Green Sunfish I caught in Ontario came out of watersheds on the northern shores of Lake Erie...except for my very first one which came out of Lake Aquitaine in Mississauga. But I think that was the exception rather than the norm. For Green Sunfish waters, think small, sluggish and tannic.

Black Bullhead - The same as Green Sunfish, with the exception that I caught Black Bullhead in Grenadier Pond in Toronto as well. Apparently, it has never been recorded either they were misidentified as Brown Bullhead the whole time, or this is a new established population. Yes, I did catch more than one...and the fish were confirmed by anal ray count and pectoral spine characteristics.

Yellow Bullhead - The only two Yellow Bullhead I personally knew about came from Ottawa River. Same location, different year. Not much I can share about them since I don't know anyone else who has caught them. Mine were all caught in the US.

White Perch - If you are fishing around Windsor, I would try the shores of Lake St. Clair just east of Windsor. We caught quite a few of them along that shoreline. I would think they are common in Detroit River as well.

Malama o ke kai

Caution - Objects in picture are smaller than they appear. I am genetically predisposed to make fish look bigger.

Life List: 577 species and counting (2016: 91 new species)
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05-20-2017, 02:08 PM (This post was last modified: 05-20-2017 02:57 PM by Adamthedeertracker.)
Post: #3
RE: Species roady info?
thanks for your help. my trip ended up getting cut short but ended up getting the bowfin including a 12 pounder
going to head back for channel cats and the white bass run in the next few days
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