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The Attitudes of Anglers...
03-04-2012, 02:42 PM (This post was last modified: 03-04-2012 02:43 PM by manitoubass2.)
Post: #1
The Attitudes of Anglers...
I'm curious how others view this? Whether your new to angling or a life long angler, how do you view the "secrets" of anglers?

I've been apart of many sports/activities, some niche and some very large(like hockey). I've never encountered another sport/pastime where everything was so hush hush.

Now, in certain situations this is totally understandable ie. areas fished during a tournament, lures used in a tourny, things like that. But one thing you'll encounter often in recreational fishing, is the exact same attitude towards spots, lures, techniques etc.

Other situations I can also understand, like a steelhead run in a heavily populated area. Where conservation concerns apply as well.

If you speak with many top anglers, or read popular magazines, you will frequent the take a kid/elderly fishing. Thats awesome, and I do it often, with my kids or other local children.

But to me, taking a kid fishing for the sake of introducing a life long angler means teaching them as well. As simply taking a someone fishing doesn't really do anything other than provide a temporary experience.

Anyhow, me personally, I like to share my experiences and techniques I've learned over the years. I wish more would do the same.

Anyone have any thoughts on this, or experiences either way???
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MichaelAngelo (03-04-2012)
03-04-2012, 04:02 PM (This post was last modified: 03-04-2012 05:00 PM by MichaelAngelo.)
Post: #2
RE: The Attitudes of Anglers...
As a relatively new angler entering the world of online fishing forums, I must say I'm shocked by the attitudes of most fellow anglers.

I've been active in aquarium hobby online forums for years and everybody is open to helping and teaching. Not so with angling forums.

This brings me to a concern. What is the point of angling forums if the vast majority are not willing to help/teach? Further, there is a certain lingo that people new to the hobby will not understand.

This is precisely my motivation for launching this forum. A place where shore anglers can share openly. You're not going to get fishing reports if nobody can find the fish. Helping people find the fish and sharing techniques that work can mean a better experience for everybody.

Unfortunately there are people that do not take conservation seriously. This is most evident in fall salmon runs and it drives everybody bonkers. There are many lurkers to be afraid of and posting a spot that produces means exposing it to some of the less respectable members of the hobby. People that don't follow regulations or people that just kill every fish they get their hands on. People that you don't know are reading the forums.

A think a respectable solution would be to keep fishing reports that involve LOCATION in a separate section online that is only view able by people with X number of posts.

What do you guys think about this? This is a really important issue to me.

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manitoubass2 (03-04-2012)
03-04-2012, 04:32 PM (This post was last modified: 03-04-2012 04:42 PM by manitoubass2.)
Post: #3
RE: The Attitudes of Anglers...
I think that's a good idea MA.

As far as spots go, I can totally understand not wanting to give up really specific spots, especially when it comes to salmon, trout and the like.

When it comes to walleye and other panfish, or bass, it seems to not be such a huge issue.

I myself have no problem sharing spots and info with others, but of course it's nice when it works both ways.

I should mention I'm in northwestern Ontario though, and it seems quite abit different around here. If I (or someone else) posts up info regarding a spot, you won't have 500 people rushing to get there asap. So maybe thats a big difference in reference to those living in heavily populated areas???

But as far as techniques etc, I'm game to give up any info I find to be of use, why not? I know certain pro anglers that do and I really appreciate that.

Guys like McClung, Pete Harsh, Gary Parsons and the like are all big advocates of information sharing. And in general, these are the anglers I tend to look up too.

A few years back I had a good conversation with Al Linder for an hour or so. It was amazing how open he was. And he was very interested in my sons opinions too, and he was only 5 at the time, lol. My sons asked him if he planned on fishing the mainlake humps, in 20-30 FOW, cause that where the big fish are. Me and Al had a good laugh, then he went to the boat and grabbed a box full of yet to be released Clackin Raps, and handed it to my son. He said " I think you know better than I what to do with these baits", and again we had a chuckle.

My sons still talks about how awesome that was. Kinda off topic, but kinda on topic as well.

The sport would be so much better if more people approached it in a similar manner, IMO
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MichaelAngelo (03-05-2012)
03-05-2012, 08:37 AM (This post was last modified: 03-05-2012 08:53 AM by MikeH.)
Post: #4
RE: The Attitudes of Anglers...
Everyone needs to draw their own line on this one. I have seen people on other forums getting upset if someone else reveals the secret fishing location of.... the Niagara Whirlpool! LOL!

I am quite happy to post a detailed get started or suggested tactics, temps and species article on a specific location for people looking to find out if its worth going and when to go, but as you may have noticed I don't post any pics of the fish that are caught, or any same day reports.

If you are posting location specific reports on the day of fishing or immediately after then you must expect people you dont know to head out and try it too. If you want to restrict peoples access to these reports, perhaps you should think of forming a fishing club, not just making someone post randomly 50 times before they can see them. Once someone has access there's nothing stopping them from copying and pasting out these "secret reports" to other places online or just telling 50 non-members.
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03-05-2012, 08:39 PM (This post was last modified: 03-05-2012 08:40 PM by MichaelAngelo.)
Post: #5
RE: The Attitudes of Anglers...
(03-05-2012 08:37 AM)MikeH Wrote:  Everyone needs to draw their own line on this one. I have seen people on other forums getting upset if someone else reveals the secret fishing location of.... the Niagara Whirlpool! LOL!
Yes LOL this happens.

(03-05-2012 08:37 AM)MikeH Wrote:  If you want to restrict peoples access to these reports, perhaps you should think of forming a fishing club, not just making someone post randomly 50 times before they can see them. Once someone has access there's nothing stopping them from copying and pasting out these "secret reports" to other places online or just telling 50 non-members.

I'm going to be monitoring who has access to the reports on this site. If I notice random spammy posting I'll revoke permission for that section. Right now it's set to min. 16 posts. Hopefully that'll encourage lurkers to join us in our discussions.

If anyone has a good idea for how we should run the report section feel free to let me know.

EDIT: MikeH, what do you mean by a fishing club?

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03-08-2012, 02:49 PM
Post: #6
RE: The Attitudes of Anglers...
I agree that everyone should (and surely will) establish when and where they share their knowledge, and set their own level of comfort on the amount of specific detail (Note: GPS locations are overkill).

Personally I have no reservations in sharing general knowledge regarding on where I fish and what methods I use. There are no “secret” spots that are absolutely guaranteed foolproof, or lures that draw strikes every day. Weather, temperature, water clarity and flow conditions will change from day to day, over and over again. Guess what - People get skunked on stocked ponds!

I have noticed that just about all the spots I go to fish have evidence of past use by anglers. (footprints, stick rod holders…). So – telling where these spots are is no big deal for me – as many preceded me, and many will follow, with or without reading a post.

Part of the enjoyment of angling involves the adventure and mystery of new and unknown (to you) experiences, places and methods. We would all soon become bored with instant 100% success on all outings – due to the lack of a challenge and sense of accomplishment. It really isn’t about food either.

Information shared on line should be a beginning step or a tool for others in setting their plans while learning and enjoying the sport.

It is unfortunate that the actions of the few so often result in restrictions or diminished benefits to the many. It’s also a fact of life everywhere that a few real jerks exist.

Considering all of the above I support the current mild restrictions on your forum to information as it may promote most others in feeling comfortable in making their posts, while reducing abuse by the few.

<>< I once gave up fishing. It was the most terrifying weekend of my life. ><>

See you on the river.
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MichaelAngelo (03-09-2012)
03-08-2012, 08:56 PM
Post: #7
RE: The Attitudes of Anglers...
The amount of sharing on fishing techniques is immense and invaluable. The key is not finding fish but knowing how to catch em once YOU find em.

Time to look at the glass half full imo.
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03-09-2012, 12:36 AM (This post was last modified: 03-09-2012 12:37 AM by MichaelAngelo.)
Post: #8
RE: The Attitudes of Anglers...
(03-08-2012 02:49 PM)OldTimer Wrote:  Part of the enjoyment of angling involves the adventure and mystery of new and unknown (to you) experiences, places and methods. We would all soon become bored with instant 100% success on all outings – due to the lack of a challenge and sense of accomplishment. It really isn’t about food either.

Amen! There is nothing more rewarding than smashing a fish in a brand new location you found yourself. Adventure time! =D

Back during the salmon run this fall, I poured hours into finding and catching one. You should have seen my face when I finally found them in Bronte Big Grin. I had slept in my car, I was covered in mud and my parents thought I was dead. But I got one lol.

Not that salmon is a good example Tongue

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03-10-2012, 01:38 PM
Post: #9
RE: The Attitudes of Anglers...
I think on a lot of other forums, members have given info on specific spots and seen first hand an absolute "blow up" of fishing activity in the area...I know a lot of people don't post, but there are hundreds of "lurkers" and who knows what kind of ethics those "lurkers" fish with. All it takes is a few extra guys every week pounding your favorite spots and keeping out of season or illegal amounts of fish to kill an urban GTA fishery. I'm all for sharing information or even vague locations, but sharing specific landmarks or drawing up maps for people is generally bad for the fishery.
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01-02-2013, 05:02 PM
Post: #10
RE: The Attitudes of Anglers...
This is basically a bump - a lot of new members have joined since this thread was last active & it might be interesting to see their point of view.

My opinion has changed little, other than I would like to clarify that I rarely post an exact location of my spots, but have no problem mentioning a body of water. I will also be quite vague in descriptions of river/creek/stream info.

Any new thoughts?..........................



....................................BTW - Happy New Year.

<>< I once gave up fishing. It was the most terrifying weekend of my life. ><>

See you on the river.
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