(05-18-2012 08:10 PM)MichaelAngelo Wrote: [ -> ] (05-18-2012 06:55 PM)Redmire Wrote: [ -> ]Has anyone had any experience with fake worms?
I've tried worms side-by-side while sight-fishing panfish and small bass. There's no comparison, real worms far outperform the fake ones.
At least from what I could tell.
Speak of the devil, today I had a rainbow trout swipe and eat a small, white plastic grub. This is after trying to entice them with real worms for an hour....
Now I must eat my words!

(05-21-2012 01:57 AM)MichaelAngelo Wrote: [ -> ]I tried some mustard on Saturday evening and didn't raise any worms. Tried some vinegar, didn't raise any worms.
Today I replicated gramps' electro rod worm shocker. I raised 2 worms
. Unfortunately, worms raised in this method aren't too healthy afterwards 
My conclusion: the hot and dry weather has driven all the worms too deep to collect.
Did anybody else have worm success? LOL I can't believe I got skunked for worms.
I find worms fairly shallow near trees
I'm going to give this mustard solution thing a go myself ...........
In a place were there is strong evidence of worm nightime activity in a nearby park. I believe this may be key in success of such procedures.
I shall issue a report............... here.........
May take a few days or so to get it done.........
(05-22-2012 03:37 PM)OldTimer Wrote: [ -> ]Hey,
I'm going to give this mustard solution thing a go myself ...........
In a place were there is strong evidence of worm nightime activity in a nearby park. I believe this may be key in success of such procedures.
I shall issue a report............... here.........
May take a few days or so to get it done.........
Make sure you don't post specific details about the location
LOL just kidding of course.
I chose a relatively damp piece of ground with a mustard solution. One worm, and I'm not sure it was all that agitated(!). Probably worth a try again one the weather cools off a touch.
It sounds as if you guys may be over thinking it....I checked the rules for the the World worm charming competition (yeah really!) the use of dish washing liquid in warm water is banned, as it's an unfair advantage!
Apparently you wait until after dark and mark off a three foot by three foot section of lawn and pour a big bucket of slightly soapy water over it. 15 minutes should bring the worms on that section to the surface. move onto a new section and repeat. Oh yeah, the "pros" recommend that you use a red filter on your flashlight when seeking them out....
(05-22-2012 08:47 PM)MikeH Wrote: [ -> ]It sounds as if you guys may be over thinking it....I checked the rules for the the World worm charming competition (yeah really!) the use of dish washing liquid in warm water is banned, as it's an unfair advantage!
Apparently you wait until after dark and mark off a three foot by three foot section of lawn and pour a big bucket of slightly soapy water over it. 15 minutes should bring the worms on that section to the surface. move onto a new section and repeat. Oh yeah, the "pros" recommend that you use a red filter on your flashlight when seeking them out....
That sounds like a lot of work! I'm quite relieved I predominantly fish for carp, as the bait prep of boiling maize, hemp and rolling boilies is a breeze.
Oh wait....
Mike you hit the nail on the head...
night time.
I went out to try the dishwater trick at around 10:30pm. I noticed my flashlight shimmer on a patch of dirt in the garden that had been watered earlier that day. Behold worms!
No need for dish soap guys, just water your lawn and come back to it. In about half an hour I had worms popping up all around. I missed so many! They're tough to catch unless most of the worm is already out of the ground.
I actually made a sport out of it... stalking the worm... creeping up behind it... trying to figure out which end is the ground end... LOL
With that in mind, it's probably best to wait a full 20 minutes before trying to grab. That way you can get them feeling safe enough to fully crawl out before you start stomping around the lawn...
EDIT: Mike, my pet fish would have liked to personally thank-you but their mouths are busy at the moment.
(05-23-2012 12:07 AM)MichaelAngelo Wrote: [ -> ]I actually made a sport out of it... stalking the worm... creeping up behind it...
cool..........WORM STALKING 101.
(05-23-2012 12:07 AM)MichaelAngelo Wrote: [ -> ]Mike you hit the nail on the head... night time.
I went out to try the dishwater trick at around 10:30pm. I noticed my flashlight shimmer on a patch of dirt in the garden that had been watered earlier that day. Behold worms!
No need for dish soap guys, just water your lawn and come back to it. In about half an hour I had worms popping up all around. I missed so many! They're tough to catch unless most of the worm is already out of the ground.
I actually made a sport out of it... stalking the worm... creeping up behind it... trying to figure out which end is the ground end... LOL 
With that in mind, it's probably best to wait a full 20 minutes before trying to grab. That way you can get them feeling safe enough to fully crawl out before you start stomping around the lawn...
EDIT: Mike, my pet fish would have liked to personally thank-you but their mouths are busy at the moment.
LOL, glad you got your wormfest on!
You should to get yourself a box and build a worm farm so you have a ready supply at hand for fishing.