Any updates on the worm hunting, Redmire and bettercallsaul? I've been having great success with the "watering-the-lawn" technique.
Stored in the fridge in a container of peat moss, my worms are performing great under the hook! Better than any store-bought worms I've found.
Woo fresh worms!
(05-26-2012 09:37 PM)MichaelAngelo Wrote: [ -> ]Any updates on the worm hunting, Redmire and bettercallsaul? I've been having great success with the "watering-the-lawn" technique.
Stored in the fridge in a container of peat moss, my worms are performing great under the hook! Better than any store-bought worms I've found.
Woo fresh worms!
I live in an apartment and I don't think the landowner would appreciate me dumping bleach on his lawn, but I will try soon.
Here’s my 1st shot trying this - using mustard.
¼ cup of dry mustard powder to 1 gallon of tap water.
Bought the yellow mustard powder in the bulk section of Fortino’s for 70 cents.
Went to a forested lot (10:30 am) picked a likely looking section right on the lightly used trail and poured half of the mix over a 2 foot square area.
In less than 1 minute several small worms were on the surface…….. a minute later a much larger nightcrawler literally popped into view writhing……… after 5 minutes I had 5 worms. So I dumped the rest of the solution…. and 2 more smaller ones came up in a few minutes. After 15 minutes I packed up and left.
A shot of the solution just poured:
A shot of a worm on the surface (it’s dead centre of the pic):
My catch half way thru the experiment:
So it does work – not a fantastic amount of worms caught for 70 cents and the effort involved– but I think I may try this again in an area of soil/grass that is not on a pathway.
Other conclusions – the second application was really a waste. It may be more efficient to double or triple the size of the area soaked – and do it in one shot. Worms came up in areas that were grassed, none came up in bare soil areas.
Took the worms home, washed them off, put them in bedding – we’ll see if they survive till tomorrow.
I had about the same success with the mustard solution during the day. Just regular water on the garden/lawn at night worked wonders for me though. An hour got me over 50 worms.... yes I actually spent an hour or two gathering worms LOL.

(05-18-2012 11:33 AM)OldTimer Wrote: [ -> ]I've heard - but never tried - that plain yellow mustard in water has a similar effect to that of walnut husk fluids.
The Guy a few cottages don from mine always uses that to catch his worms. seams to work well enough. plus everyones fridge probably has some mustard in it so you don't have to go buying up supplies just to catch worms!